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The Daily Dish Sweet Home

Jennifer Welch Says This Design Trend Is Breaking All the Rules

And the Sweet Home designer says you can easily incorporate it into your space. 

By Patricia Cunningham
Jennifer Welch on the Hottest Trends in Interior Design Right Now

As far as design rules go, it used to be that you never split your metals. If you had chrome fixtures in the kitchen, you had chrome fixtures in the bathroom, along with chrome lighting and cabinet handles — lest the decor police come and take you away to design reeducation camp. But that is no longer the case, according to Jennifer Welch, interior decorator extraordinaire and star of Sweet Home. In fact, doing the opposite has become pretty popular with the Pinterest design set. 

“The hottest trends in interior design right now are that you can mix metals,” Jennifer said recently during a sit down with Home and Design. “You can have a brass chandelier and you can have a chrome faucet, that is not a problem.”

So that black kitchen faucet you were holding off on because you love your already-installed brass pendants and thought it would be a little too much — just go right ahead and add it to your cart. “Basically, all of the rules are gone,” added Jennifer. 

However, when it comes to trends it’s always good to keep one thing in mind, she cautioned, and that's the turnover rate.

“When you see big trends in interior design, be cautious because four to five years from now that trend is going to be replaced,” she advised. When it comes to your investment pieces like your sofa or your draperies, stick to the tried and true. “That is an investment you will have for five to 10 years.” 

Catch more of Sweet Home on Fridays at 10/9c.

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