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The Daily Dish Below Deck Mediterranean

Bugsy Drake "Will Not Apologize for a Single Solitary Thing" Regarding the Texting Drama with Hannah Ferrier

The #BelowDeckMed captain also weighed in on the controversy.

By Laura Rosenfeld
Hannah Ferrier Gets Caught Texting with a Charter Guest

Below Deck Mediterranean has presented us with a great debate: Was Bugsy Drake in the wrong for looking at charter guest Jason Ziegler's text conversation with Hannah Ferrier on the yacht's iPad, or was it all the chief stew's fault for getting too friendly with the primary in the first place?

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Bugsy addressed the drama on Instagram on Tuesday. "I'm not going to defend myself about reading the messages on the iPad! I found them, I showed Bobby [Giancola], I will own it! The texts should not have existed in the first place. The messages were found on the Boats IPad and NOT a personal device- completely fair game," she wrote in the post. "We are in a professional industry and we have a job to do, and that job does not include making out with or texting guests. Throwing your crew under the bus discussing what they felt about the tip to the primary charter guest... Now that's an invasion of your team members privacy! I will not apologize for a single solitary thing... haters hate, and if I really cared.. the amount of sleep I would get would be minimal. I sleep soundly every night."


However, Bugsy later realized that she should have done one thing differently in this situation. "Okay guys so maybe the best thing I should have done in the professional sense was go straight to @CaptSandyYawn," she tweeted Wednesday. "I messed up!"


Captain Sandy Yawn agreed on Twitter that Bugsy "should have come to me" immediately about what she found on the iPad instead of sharing the info with her fellow crew members first.

Hannah recently told Bravotv.com that she couldn't believe that Bugsy would do such a thing. "To be honest I was in a bit of shock. I can't really imagine reading someone else's texts - let alone a primary charter guest!" Hannah said. "It's obviously a massive invasion of my privacy, but I was so embarrassed that I was going to have to tell Jason that the crew had been reading his personal text messages for 10 hours. If they read those texts, what else did they look at on his phone?! All texts were sent after he left the boat so he had done nothing wrong." 

In fact, Hannah shared that she and Jason now "message daily (except now it's just the two of us reading them)." 

It looks like no one will be over the texting drama in the next episode of Below Deck Med. See what we mean, below.

Hannah Ferrier Confronts the Crew
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