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The Daily Dish The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Jennifer Aydin on What It's Really Like Having Her Husband as Her Plastic Surgeon

The Real Housewives of New Jersey's Dr. Bill Aydin recently performed a tummy tuck on his wife.

By Laura Rosenfeld
Jennifer Aydin Plastic Surgery Husband

Doctors want all of their surgeries and procedures to be successful, but the pressure must be especially intense when you're operating on a loved one.

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No one knows that better than Jennifer Aydin's husband, Dr. Bill Aydin, who recently performed a tummy tuck on his wife. Jennifer explained why she wouldn't want anyone else performing the surgery in a post on Instagram on November 23. "You may wonder how I can have my husband, someone so personal to me, do this invasive procedure. It’s not about the cost. Thank God, I have the blessings to go to any doctor I want. And I’ve talked about this with him thoroughly, and do you know what he tells me? 'No one will ever look after you, take the meticulous time necessary, and go above and beyond for you the way I will,'" Jennifer shared in a post that featured some photos and videos documenting the moments right before she went under the knife. "And he’s right. Not only am I smitten, but I was sold. He is the only one I want to do this for me."

Jennifer definitely made the right choice. The Real Housewives of New Jersey mom shared a couple of videos on Instagram of Bill sweetly helping her around the house post-surgery, as well as preparing her medication. "My husband is the best, my kids are the best, and it’s really important to have a good support system in place when recovering through such a traumatic surgery," Jennifer gushed on Instagram. "Thank you for all your warm wishes and prayers of a speedy recovery because I have exciting places I need to be at within two weeks."

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It’s good for me walk around. Don’t mind that weird hanging thing between my legs, that’s just a catheter which is the best thing ever so I don’t have to keep going to the bathroom every five minutes. (I’ve also realized that I have way too many light switches that I don’t know where they go)My ass is also looking at little fat but it could be the layering… I hope. Lol- Please don’t judge me about getting into the elevator. For the first time since we’ve moved in, it’s actually come in quite handy. My husband is the best, my kids are the best, and it’s really important to have a good support system in place when recovering through such a traumatic surgery. I believe that people are innately good and it’s human nature to be kind so just ask- asking for help is ok:)Thank you for all your warm wishes and prayers of a speedy recovery because I have exciting places I need to be at within two weeks. I know you guys already know that I’m super silly but did you know I’m also a hopeless optimist. And I got to get ready because in two weeks I’m going to be with the @countessluann at the @borgataac for her Christmas cabaret show! Stay tuned for more details when I’m not on so many meds!! Bill took the kids to church so I’m going to sleep while it’s quiet. I hope he brings me back some @dunkin #tummytuckjourney #keepitmoving #theshowmustgoon #holidaytime imgoingtosleepnow #rhonj

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She added that she will be joining Luann de Lesseps for her Christmas cabaret show at the Borgata in Atlantic City in two weeks. Jennifer also said in the post that she was hoping Bill would bring back some Dunkin' on his way back home from church with the kids — and he did, cementing his place as best husband ever.

Jennifer Aydin Plastic Surgery Husband 01

In another post on Instagram, Jennifer gushed that Bill is "the best care taker!"

We'll see more adventures with Jennifer in an all-new episode of RHONJ Wednesday at 9/8c. See a sneak peek of the Garden State gals' trip to Jamaica, below.

The Jersey 'Wives Arrive in Jamaica!
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