Brits vs. Americans: Marissa Hermer and Sophie Stanbury Face Off in the Ultimate Taste Test
The #LoL pals try each other's country's cuisines with equally delightful — and horrified — results.
While there are plenty of British-American battles on Ladies of London, let us present the ultimate U.K. vs. U.S.A culture clash: a taste test of each country's delicacies. New Lady Sophie Stanbury and Marissa Hermer were up for the challenge, though as you watch above, they may regret it.
Nothing quite says America like a good old PB and J, but that doesn't mean Sophie is excited to try it. She says incredulously, "Ew, peanut butter and jelly?!" The Brit definitely doesn't want any more of a s'more as she winces while eating the campfire dessert. The socialite even spits out the Spam she tries rather than have to swallow the meat in a can! And can we blame her?
However, Marissa is just as despondent trying British standards. Hearing she must eat black pudding which Sophie explains is "made from the blood of a pig" she is in sheer disbelief. Try not to giggle and cringe in empathy as you watch Marissa attempt to swallow the dish without crying. Of course, what British taste test would be complete without some marmite? Sophie says she puts the spread on her kids' toast every day to which Marissa says, "I feel sorry for them, that's disgusting." Safe to say, Marissa is not a fan of British food...
But we learned that in the end, Brits and Americans may not be too different. Marissa says she feels like she's being "hazed" as she is forced to eat the British fare. She explains the American tradition to Sophie, "It's when you're in an American sorority and they get really drunk and you run around naked..." Sophie's reply? "Sounds like my average saturday night out to be honest." Nothing like a good drink and a run around naked to bring people together.
Be sure to tune into Ladies of London Tuesdays at 10/9c.