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The Daily Dish The Real Housewives of Orange County

There's an Inspiring Story Behind the Helmet Meghan King Edmonds' Daughter Has Been Wearing

"I hope she always embraces who she is and never hides her uniqueness," the #RHOC mom shared.

By Laura Rosenfeld
Meghan King Edmonds and Jim Edmonds Welcome a Baby Girl

Meghan King Edmonds' daughter, Aspen King Edmonds, started wearing a helmet in April in order to treat her plagiocephaly, or her "oblong skull," as her mom puts it. Now the accessory is coming off, The Real Housewives of Orange County mom announced on Instagram Wednesday. 

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After wearing the helmet for six weeks, Wednesday marked the last day that Aspen would be sporting it. Meghan explained in the caption to the post that the misshaping of Aspen's head "developed due to her positioning low and 'sunny-side-up' in my womb." "With physical therapy and sleep positioning her skull shape improved until we hit a plateau and decided to proceed with the helmet," Meghan added.


So over the past several weeks, Aspen wore her helmet everywhere, from home to the beach and even to her first red carpet. And she looked absolutely adorable every step of the way, if we do say so ourselves.


Meghan even made the helmet look extra-special by having it wrapped to look like Frida Kahlo "because - other than being adorable - Frida represents a strong, independent, free-thinking creative individual who never lived life within the confines of cultural confines: a true inspiration for any person especially my young daughter," she explained on Instagram. The RHOC mom added that she hopes her daughter "always embraces who she is and never hides her uniqueness."

Meghan told The Daily Dish in April that wearing the helmet was an easy adjustment for Aspen. "The first couple days, she didn't like when I would put it on or take it off," she said. "But once it was on there, it was fine. But now she doesn't mind putting it on or taking it off or anything. It doesn't bother her at all." 

The RHOC mom also recently celebrated a major moment in Aspen's life as she turned 6 months old earlier this May.


A post shared by Meghan King Edmonds (@meghankedmonds) on


Meghan recently gushed to The Daily Dish that Aspen is basically the happiest baby around these days. "She's very curious and alert and she definitely knows who I am. And when there's a lot of strangers around or she's in public in a place that she's not familiar with, she's a little apprehensive. Sometimes she'll cry," Meghan said during an interview in April. "And she's super, super smiley, constantly smiling and giggling. She just discovered her feet and it's really cute. And then she tries to play with my phone now if I'm holding it. When I nurse her she's so distracted if I talk at all. She just like hops off and looks at me and smiles." 

Well, with a mom and dad as wonderful as Meghan and Jim Edmonds, how could Aspen not? 

Look back on Meghan's road to motherhood, below.

Meghan King Edmonds Discusses Her Ups and Downs with IVF
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