Patti Stanger Tackles Single Criticism
Broken relationships made her a better matchmaker. So there.

Those who can’t, teach? Don’t slap that cliché on single matchmaker Patti Stanger.
“I know I for one have been criticized for not being married,” the 51-year-old Millionaire Matchmaker cuts right to the chase on “As I look back on my previous loves and engagement, none of the men would have made me happy in a marriage. The relationship had run its course.”
But from her heart-blehs came quite a few positives. “I learned a lot about myself and probably dodged a bullet in some cases. I sometimes think I wasted time on men who I wanted to fix or they wanted to fix me, but if I never went through that experience I wouldn’t know a healthy relationship from a bad one. Plus I’d probably never have become the matchmaker I am now. If my love life had run smoothly, I’d probably have no interest in fixing up others.”
Luckily, through those ice cream and tears times, Patti always had a fellow matchmaker on her side – her mom. “As my mother Rhoda Goldstien says, “Whenever a boy broke my heart I remembered, Patti, men are like buses. No matter if you’re 18 or 80, there is always one that comes every ten [minutes.] You’ve just got to be ready to get on the bus.”
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