Kenya Moore Shares Her Pregnancy Complications In Harrowing Detail: "I Started Crying Because I Got So Scared"
The Real Housewives of Atlanta mom said, "Everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong."

Kenya Moore is over the moon about being Brooklyn Daly's mother. The Real Housewives of Atlanta new mom recently said, "I finally have everything I’ve dreamed of. She’s so perfect in so many ways... This little angel … so beautiful. I feel so blessed. It’s all been so worth it." And by "all," Kenya probably meant the complications that developed during her pregnancy.
In the past, the new mom has opened up about her scary preeclampsia diagnosis, and about having been induced early. And now, she's sharing more details about the hiccups in her pregnancy and how she overcame them.
Speaking to PEOPLE, the Atlanta pal revealed that the concerns started at her very first ultrasound. Unable to detect the baby's skeleton, the doctors feared she might have had a false positive for her pregnancy test. Later, doctors thought that Kenya might be having an ectopic tubal pregnancy, which is a dangerous condition that develops when an embryo is planted somewhere other than the uterus.
"There were so many scares along the way,” Kenya shared. “We held our breath every time we went to the doctor.” Then came her preeclampsia, in October. The condition can cause extreme swelling, and Kenya had a shock when she stepped on the scale at her doctor's office.
"In one week, I had gained 17 lbs," she said. “I was like, ‘Wait a minute, is this scale right?’ ‘Cause I remembered specifically what my weight was, and at that point, I was at 203 lbs. already. And then when they weighed me, I was 220 lbs. And I was thinking, ‘Something is not right here. Is the scale broken?"
Kenya's doctors had her check her blood pressure at home following that incident, and when she called in soon after with a high reading, she had to rush to the hospital. "I called them to give them my blood pressure readings and my reading was through the roof and climbing,” Kenya said. “They told me, ‘Your condition is worsening so get your bags and go straight to the hospital, you’re delivering today.'" Her husband, Marc Daly, was on a plane at the time.
"It was all happening so fast,” Kenya shared. “I started crying because I got so scared. I couldn’t get a hold of Marc, I didn’t know what was going to happen. I just remember feeling overwhelmed with emotion. It was really tough." And delivery would prove tough, as well.
"They couldn’t get the baby out,” Kenya said. “There were all these complications and they knew if they cut into a fibroid, I could potentially bleed out and die. So they ended up cutting me vertically too, to just get the baby out and make sure I survived the surgery. They were so scared they were going to lose me ... When it was all over, my doctor said, ‘This was one for the books.'"
And then, there was peace at last. After Brooklyn was born, "they laid her down on my chest, and those screaming cries stopped immediately,” Kenya said. “She was just so perfect, so tiny. And just like that, all my dreams had come true.” Kenya added: "Everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. But she’s such a tough baby; so determined. And every step of the way, she kept surviving and getting stronger. She’s my miracle baby. There’s no other way to describe it, she’s my miracle baby."