The Sweet Home Oklahoma Ladies Have All the Tools to Get Your Kids Ready to Go Back to School
Everything you need to know to make your kid's back-to-school transition go a lot smoother.

Back-to-school season, aka the most dreaded part of summer for all parents, is officially upon us. It’s time to get your kids all prepped and excited for the new academic year, which also means standing in those endless department store lines with carts full of school supplies. Luckily, the super moms of Sweet Home Oklahoma shared a few tips to help make this end-of-summer transition go a bit smoother for everyone in the family.
1. Get your kids back on a routine.
The first thing SHOK's Jennifer Welch does in preparation for the school year is get her kids back on a schedule. “A few days before school starts I start resetting the kids' clocks," she told The Daily Dish. “I get them going to bed at a normal time, instead of summer hours, and get them up earlier, so that the first day of school is not such a beast.” This will surely help your kids adjust back into their academic routines.
2. Find out if your kid's school offers school supply packages. If not, Wal-mart is a must.
Shopping for your kids has to be the hardest part of the back-to-school season. As Angie “Pumps” Sullivan puts it: “There is nothing more miserable than fighting over glue sticks in 108-degree heat.” Fortunately, the mother of three has been able to avoid this nightmare by ordering supplies through her kids' schools. “My [kids'] school used to do a deal where you had the option of just sending a text or going online and purchasing a packet of school supplies that the school picked. And then when you go there the first day of school, it's just sitting on your kid’s desk. You don’t have to do anything," she said. However, if your child's school doesn't offer this awesome option like the Sullivans' did in the past, she says Wal-mart is a must. "It is my go-to for school supplies. It’s my go-to for just about everything."
3. Don’t forget to stock up on socks and underwear.
As a mother of three boys, Lee Murphy has learned that you can truly never have enough socks and underwear. “I would say definitely buy socks and underwear in bulk because I don’t know where they go. But we just lose them,” she said. And you surely don’t want to run out of clean socks and underwear just as the school year is beginning.
4. Be strategic when shopping for twins.
Shopping for twins can be a struggle, but Lee has learned that it's all about compromise with her twin boys. "If they’re really into the same shirt, just go ahead and get two of them. I wanna say sharing is caring, but sometimes it just creates a nightmare in the morning for a mother," she said. "I’m not saying I cave in all the time because they definitely cross-blend their clothing, which is nice because one person can wear the shirt today, and the other person can wear the shirt next week."
Now, may the force be with you, parents. You got this.