Want to Watch 'MLDNY' With Luis D. Ortiz?
All you need is a #MillionDollarView and a social media account!
If you've got a million dollar view and a Twitter or Instagram account, you could close the deal of a lifetime: hanging out with Luis D. Ortiz.
The Million Dollar Listing New York star is hosting a social media contest where five lucky fans could score the chance to watch the May 6 episode of his show with him in his apartment! (It's BYORB—Bring Your Own Red Bull.)
All you have to do is follow Related Rentals on Twitter or Instagram, share a pic of your best #MillionDollarView along with #RelatedLife, and hope that yours is one of five that Luis is most impressed by.
So get your camera ready, find the best view you can, and get ready to get down to business with Luis D. Ortiz.