WATCH: RHOM's Adriana Confronts Lea
Did Lea Black reveal Adriana De Moura's marriage to the press?
On last week's premiere of The Real Housewives of Miami, the Wives were shocked to learn that Adriana De Moura had been legally married to Frederic Marq since 2008, despite the pair claiming they were currently engaged. But nobody was more floored by the news than Adriana's ex-BFF Lea Black, who believes she was led on by Adriana as a struggling single mother.
A brief recap: Adriana and Frederic had planned to get married back in 2008 and even obtained a marriage license. But when Adriana's son Alex wasn't ready to accept Frederic as his new father, Frederic called off the wedding ceremony. What the Wives don't know is that Lea was chosen as Adriana's maid of honor.
Tonight, Adriana and Lea tackle Wedding-gate head-on in what promises to be one explosive confrontation. Adriana accuses Lea of planting the story in the Miami Herald, which Lea vehemently denies. But Adriana won't take no for an answer.
"Of course it's you!" Adriana declares. "You're the only one with a problem [with the marriage]. Nobody cares but you!"
When Lea keeps denying planting the story, Adriana tells her how betrayed she feels. "I thought I had a sister in you, but what I had in the end was a wicked sister that all along was planning my demise."
Lea's thoughts about Adriana's feelings of betrayal? "The only one that's planning your demise is you."
Do you think Lea Black is responsible for leaking the story? Tell us in the comments and tune in tonight at 9/8c.
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