When Bravo Met Anderson
Associate Editor Andrew Herrmann recaps his experience as Blogger of the Day on 'Anderson Live.'
What would you do for a photo with Anderson Cooper? Once I found out all that was required is to live tweet from the audience during a taping of Anderson Live, I was sold. (And to think I was prepared to give up Ramona Pinot Grigio for that pic!)
But during my quest for a personal piece of Silver Fox memorabilia, I learned some important lessons that I'd like to share with you.
Lesson No. 1:
Lesson: No. 2:
Lesson No. 3:
Nothing is cuter than Anderson Cooper playing with a puppy.
After my hour of intense tweeting, I was rewarded with a trip to the photo booth with Anderson. (I think we really bonded.) And now if you'll excuse me, I have to go bask in the post AC glow.