Negative Foot First
Patti commends Dave's hunting and fishing, but thinks it's baby steps for Abe.
Full transcript after the jump
So this week I've got two brothers -- two brothers that are in the Christian clothing business. Abe has been away to jail. He did something illegal when he was younger. So I decide to take Abe on as a client because I feel like if I can disclose what he did to the girls and the girls want to date him, I'm OK.
And I also got his brother Dave. Dave's a great guy, been divorced, very involved in the business that they created together. And they're doing very, very well, the problem is they just don't have love.
I introduce Dave to Ayla, and I introduce Abe to Tiffany. Things are going great for Dave. I bring in Dr. Lillian Glass, my expert. She teaches him how to hunt and fish, be aggressive, be a man, throw away his arrogance, be a real man that loves women, and it is phenomenal. He starts dating her, not just on the master date, but continues to date her after the mixer.
But I've got a problem with Abe. Abe leaves with his negative foot and wants Tiffany to go into the hot tub on their first date, which is inappropriate. We don't do this in MC World. And he's not listening to me. He's becoming an arrogant son of a b---h that shouldn't get a date in the first place. I curb it. I shut it down. I tell him, "No this is not the way. Take a page from your brother’s book because your brother is learning."
It's going to be baby steps for Abe all the way. But all in all, I had a match with Dave -- Abe, not so much. Abe has a lot of work to do.