Sweet Patti
Brandon let's us know what he thought of Patti, why he was drawn to Jaclyn, and where their relationship is now.
I went on MM to have fun and promote my business, Purple Stuff TV. I was a little disappointed when there was no mention of it. I should have gone with my original plan of introducing myself to everyone as "Brandon Purple Stuff Broussard." Ha.
Anyway, when I first met Patti, I was a little nervous because all of my friends swore she was a "b---h," and that she was going to unequivocally chew me up and spit me out. It was not a matter of if, but when.
So, when we had the initial interview at my loft, I kept waiting for crazy Patti to "come out", but she was nice. . .sweet even. Probably the first time she's ever been called that. I would say we hit it off. We had a sincere conversation about my past relationship, and she liked the fact that I was open and reflective of my mistakes.
As I said on the show, my heart was broken -- my ex dumped me unexpectedly, and it took a while to recover. My ex said I was selfish and took her for granted. Because it had been a couple months since the breakup, I had time to digest what I had done wrong and would do differently etc., and I thought the show might give me the chance at a fresh start.
All that said, I was still skeptical that I would actually meet someone I was interested in, and could date seriously. As soon as I walked in the mixer, my eyes went to Jaclyn like a magnet. There were 20 women there but I only saw one. She looked like my dream girl. There are rules with Patti, you know. You have to talk to all the girls, you have to go on two mini dates with two of the girls, but from the moment I walked in I knew who I was picking. Maybe that's wrong, or shallow, but physical attraction is as important as intelligence and personality to me.
The mixer was a bit chaotic because the other guy was getting screamed at repeatedly by Patti. (Crazy Patti arrived after all.) Luckily it was not at me.
Jaclyn and I had an amazing date, and to be honest, everything you saw on camera was real. There was an electric energy between us. Having a date is a little weird on camera, but with her, I felt comfortable. And the kiss, and the second kiss, it felt like it looked. . .amazing.
As far as after the show, things are different. Jaclyn and I remain in contact but I think there was too much pressure meeting each other under those circumstances. Thinking that we're each other's soulmates and should be getting married in six months -- it's really hard to start a relationship that way. To me, relationships need to be eased into, and we started off going 100 miles an hour. Who knows what the future holds, but it was a great time. One of the best experiences of my life.