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Chef K Wins One for the Lesbian Team

Rachel spills on Chef K sealing her date with a kiss and millionaire Shawn's wine snobbery.

By Rachel Federoff

Butch on the Streets, Femme in the Sheets

Finally, I mean seriously, finally, we have a 100% all-real lesbian millionaire! Not just some woman who had a bad breakup with a man and deciding to go to the other side, but a “gold star” lesbian; for those of you who don’t speak the lesbi-language, that means never having slept with a man. Chef K (Khristianne Uy) is in the house, out of the closet, and up for finding love.

How to Watch

Catch up on The Millionaire Matchmaker on Bravo.

Casting Chef K
Let me just say how much I heart Chef K: she's truly not only an amazing chef, but also a sweetheart. Needless to say, that’s why we pulled out the perfect group of girls for her to choose from. I get the bragging rights this week, as I picked Rocio as the perfect match for Chef in our recruiting. Ahem, Patti: see, Rocio had that je ne sais quoi so nyah nyah nyah!  I ain’t head of our Gay Division for nothing folks!

Casting Shawn T.

I just loved their date with the cute fishing on the boat and the peanut butter and banana sandwiches, with the crust cut off even. It was nice to see a simple and soft side of Chef K.  Now here’s where I have to give praise to my lesbian sisters: they kissed at the end of the date! Did my gay boys do that? Nope! For shame! Way to go, Chef K, for sealing the date with a kiss.  This was a great week for yours truly and our first lesbian match for the Millionaires Club.  As for my sweetheart, Destin, and Shawn… well, looks like the only thing that man is marrying is his wine bottle collection. 

The final score this week: Team Gay 1; Team Straight Zip. VIVA LA GAY!

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