Men Need to Be Lions, Like Vawn
Africa reminds Tribble that life is what happens while you're busy texting, and shakes her head at Africa's non-apology.
I will sum up this whole alcohol-fueled performance with two words: "Girl bye!" I wasn't here for it and neither was Monica or Megan. We had a great night and wanted to end it on a high note. What exactly was she faux apologizing for? Causing a scene at my birthday party? Making the snide remarks inside? Someone clear that up for me. . .I'll wait. SMH. . .
The only surprisingly good thing to come out of this after party was Vawn and I's moment in the parking lot. I don't know the exact moment that something changed between us, but it did. When he asked me out, I felt like I had to throw caution to the wind and say yes!
Tribble and Justin. . .LOL! Ladies we all want to be a fly on the wall when a guy is talking about us. This was definitely an eye opener.
Ricco and Angela are my glam squad; they know me very well and I respect their opinion. As Angela said, "text is the new call, " but I still would like more effort, at least in the beginning. To all the men in the world: if you are really interested, pick up the phone! I don't mind texting at all, but not the first time I hear from you. I wish Tribble had been more forward. Even though Vawn and I have been working together he formally asked me out, and it made all the difference for me. So guys, be a lion!
OK this dinner. . .wow. Totally blew me away. Vawn paid attention to things I've said in casual conversation and put together an amazing night for me. I had a very specific opinion of him and this dinner was the beginning of me seeing that maybe I was wrong. The whole dinner was very sweet and endearing and I saw a more vulnerable side of Vawn. Is it bad to kiss your friend!?! So here's to mixing business and pleasure and not having it be an epic fail!
Em's party was a lot of fun. I'm glad the re-introduction of her dad and Justin was without incident. I didn't necessarily feel awkward about seeing Tribble. He didn't really follow through and life is what happens when you're busy texting. He is a great guy and I do want us to be friends. . .I just think that now isn't the time for us.
Oooh Emily and that temper lol!!! Drinks and Justin are dangerous. We have all been there.
Hope you guys enjoyed! I'll also be blogging about my hair/wardrobe on the show at and other updates at
See you next week!