Alex Is a Joke, and so Is Her Business
Emily doesn't see a future in Alex's "rave wear," but wonders if there's a future for her and Justin or Africa and Vawn.
Welcome back to my blog! Well there was Episode 3!
I am so glad Africa is seeing the way I see Alex. . .as a joke! #GirlBye!
Well, I told ya Justin loved me! Haha! Ira Finklestein -- that will NEVER happen. Tribble and Justin chatting at the bar cracked me up! I love those two boys! My relationship with Justin is a very back-and-forth kind of thing. When you date someone for so long, you are comfortable so I get confused by that feeling and my true feelings. I dont know. It's just confusing!
Alex and her rave gear!?! OMG. I think I just threw up in my mouth! She and her lil' friend look like a joke! You mean wearing your bra and underwear out to a club??? Really!?! Oh and so now she wants to work and not be a trophy wife?!? She has no idea and doesn't have what it talkes to own a business. Girl you're confused! Good luck! Blah!
Raw Denim Boutique is back in business! We have a window! Gah! That was the worst time ever for me and my shop. So very depressing and I am so glad we have moved on to a bigger and better shop in Midtown! It makes me so happy not looking at tire tracks everyday!
Hey Tribble. . .how's that champagne up your nose? Haha that cracks me up!
Yup and there is it!!! "WWII is about to hit!" I am really not sure why I would say this, but I did and made shirts. Boom! Gotta make the best out of it right?? #blondemoment
And the daytime Emmy goes to. . .my father!!!! I love it! He was so nice to Justin, it made me really happy. 60 watt light bulbs. . .Justin cracks me up! And now you know why I love the boy!
Vawn and Africa. . .WHAT!?! He is sooooo slick I think I would have said yes to a date with him too! Shizzy. . .he's good! It looked like they had a good time and she seems happy but I still think something is up with that boy!
Then at my Grand Re-Opening Party in walks Africa with Sunglass Vawn! WHAT!?! Why would she ask me to hook her up with my friend when she wasn't interested?!? He is a Ken Doll. They would look so cute together. But, oh well, I guess she's going with Vawn. I just hope she is careful. And did Africa really just say I hope you enjoy the view!?! OMG my poor Tribble!!!
Me drunk at 5 P. . .goodness!!! When I'm drinking and someone pushes me out of nowhere and talks s--- about me -- I will lose it on you! It was a crazy night in Buckhead and people were just in rare form. I was just ready to go home.
Make sure you follow me on social media and come see me at the shop! Twitter and Instagram: @rawdenimatlanta or @emilylipman. Or find me on Facebook.
Chat soon!
XO! em