Me Time
Rodger explains why he needed the Vegas trip and why it was imperative that Jeremiah get the house ready for baby.
While finding the perfect house was one thing, furnishing it all is an entirely different challenge. It was imperative that Rachel and I got fully moved out of our apartment and into the new place before the baby comes, which means we are both depending on Jeremiah to furnish everything in just two weeks time. I know it is a big job to ask, but I trust him to do his job, and I couldn't really worry about it with everything else that is going on.
While Rachel was busy micromanaging a million different things and being pregnant, I don't think anyone realizes how stressed out I was overseeing the company. With only a few weeks left before I officially enter fatherhood, I knew that I need to seize the day to take some "me" time, so I planned a trip to Vegas with the boys. I know Rachel wouldn't be happy about it, but I think overall it is the best decision for both of us. I needed a day to unwind while she spends time with her sister, girlfriends, and Joey. Vegas, here I come!
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