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Kenya's Physical Threat

Phaedra reacts to Kenya's fighting words.

By Phaedra Parks

The past few weeks have been exciting but extremely busy. I have been shooting my new show "Rich People's Problems," preparing for the delivery of our bundle of joy, and launching my new Phaedra Sparks stun gun line all while studying for final exams. It is great to have the opportunity to work and share my creativity.

Following the first part of the reunion, I received numerous emails and calls concerning the physical threat Kenya made towards me. I really appreciate everyone’s concerns. However, as we have all seen this season, being inappropriate is the norm for Kenya, but I was even taken aback that she would actually threaten to physically strike an eight month pregnant woman. While violence is never acceptable under any circumstance, to even think about hitting a pregnant woman is horrifically despicable and evidences anything but sanity. Even though she attempted to portray my supporters in a less than favorable light, please know that I am grateful for your support and I think that you are the best!

Kenya Takes It to Phaedra at the Reunion
During the reunion I mentioned erroneous postings by urban bloggers. A few people have asked whom I was referring to. In an effort to clarify my comment, urban has nothing to do with ethnicity. I was specifically talking about those bloggers who lack journalistic integrity and any substantive ability to produce prudent and credible information. These bloggers are more concerned with getting attention than getting the truth. Bloggers that blog about urban gossip may not, in my opinion, be classified as an “urban blogger,” if they are portraying correct and well researched information. True bloggers, regardless of the genre of content, strive to convey relevant, yet well investigated and vetted information. Similarly, when I mentioned Kenya’s booty was made in Mexico, it was not an insult to Hispanics or the Hispanic culture. Rather, it is actually the location where Kenya’s poorly constructed fix-a-flat booty augmentation was done. 

During the reunion and prior episodes, Kenya has commented that I am "fat" and should not be doing a workout video, which is laughable. However, in a society where young girls and women struggle with body image issues that lead to deadly illnesses such as bulimia and anorexia, it is very irresponsible for a person whose entire body shape is due to plastic surgery to criticize any woman who is natural. Furthermore, it is fraud for her to suggest that she achieved her physique through exercise rather than plastic surgery intervention. If she were being honest, she would just give a referral to her plastic surgeons, rather than make a workout DVD. Many of you didn't know I was pregnant when we shot our DVD. Nonetheless, my husband and I made our DVD for people much like ourselves who work regular jobs, are parents, and want to work out rather than opt to have plastic surgery. Everybody knows everyone isn't tall; everyone isn't skinny; and everyone isn't voluptuous, but every body is beautiful and deserves to be celebrated. Our DVD strives to help people be comfortable in their own skin while enjoying an effective workout.
Too Overweight for a Fitness Video?
In closing, I want to thank everyone for their support and well wishes regarding my new show “Rich People's Problems” and our upcoming new edition to our family! Our Phine Body series is available at www.phinebody.com. My Phaedra Sparks 7.8 mil volts stun gun which also doubles as a flashlight is available on www.phaedraparks.com. Again, thank you!


Twitter: @PhaedraParks @NidaFitness
Instagram: @PhaedraParks
Wives Against Wives

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