Tardy for the Party - Ep 16
Bravotv.com's Associate Editor has figured out why NeNe was so mad at the girls for being late.
No. 3 - Tardy for the Party
I'm pretty sure only NeNe could face down five other Housewives at once and turn them away at the door (a scary/daunting propsect). But that's exactly what she did, so lesson learned -- don't show up at Chez NeNe three hours late for an event.
Now the question on everyone's mind is why NeNe wouldn't just let them in. Sure, being that late for a dinner party is pretty egregious, but they could at least see the house and socialize for a bit, right? Well I think I have figured out why NeNe was so incredibly miffed -- Tardy for the Party. Given NeNe's rocky history with Kim and that song, I'm guessing that a subliminal level that association made NeNe irrationally angry at the girls for being tardy to her party. Mystery solved.
After the NeNe dinner debacle, the girls wanted to ensure they were on time for the next day's activities. Kenya decided to wake the 'Wives with a big breakfast (which really is the best way to entice someone out of bed), and Porsha offers to help out. It was pretty jarring to see these two getting along (they didn't even have to hide the knives!), but allegedly this is part of the new "Zen Kenya." However Porsha has yet another Amelia Bedelia moment as she struggles with the high tech coffee maker. She was pressing buttons, trying to load creamers into the machine, all to no avail. Oh, Porsha! (But to be honest, it wasn't a standard coffee maker, so I probably would have been searching for an instruction manual too.)
Side Note: I did love that Kenya's response to everyone's surprise that she cooked was, "I'm every woman."
While getting turned away from NeNe's party was rough for the ladies, it did lead to them taking a limo to a place called Fat Burger for food. So in that sense, I'm glad it happened. Evidently that small plate of cheese that NeNe brought out for them didn't wasn't cutting it, and as we learned from Kandi, you won't like her when she's hungry. (We've all been there.) So they rolled up, Phaedra stayed in the car (presumably too exhausted to move out of hunger), and then rode around feasting on the spoils.
Did anyone else catch Kandi's happy dance at the end once she finally got her burger? I'm fairly certain that "I'm eating what I was craving and I can hardly contain my excitement" booty shake is a universal phenomenon. I did it just last week after ordering a pizza.