Kenya on Her Pilot

Kenya on Her Pilot

Kenya Moore dishes on Roger Bobb and her past production experience.

By Kenya Moore Were you disappointed when Roger Bobb wasn’t available to work with you?
Kenya Moore: When you are producing, you need people who are fully committed to your project. Roger Bobb is a talented producer and we both wanted to work together, however, if he couldn’t be there 100% of the time, then it would have been a disservice to my project. I have produced over 5 highly successful films independently to date, as well as a workout DVD, infomercial and commercials, and now a television pilot, with films being the most difficult. When you are following the Tyler Perry model -- writing, producing, directing, and starring in a single production -- you need to have a producer that can oversee the production, allowing me to focus on the work and the creative. One must be present during the entire process and post production. However, I do appreciate his input and his honestly about his availability. That was the professional thing to do.

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Watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta on Peacock and the Bravo App. Were you throwing a little shade Cynthia’s way over her acting skills?
KM: We all know I’m the queen of shade, but on this one I have to admit I had never personally seen Cynthia act, therefore I had no reason to be shady. She told me she had one line on The Cosby Show. I understand and respect that everyone has to start somewhere, but I don’t think anyone can tell if you have real chops with one line. I also know how passionate Cynthia is about exploring acting, and I wanted to give her a fair shot at a role by auditioning her. That was only fair. What was going through your head watching Claudia and Porsha’s confrontation?
KM: It was clear that she has an issue with Claudia from the beginning. I thought it was big of Claudia to go and support her and the company they both work for. However, she chose to see that as a negative. Claudia made a valid point as to why she was offended when she laughed so loudly at being called a “whore” even though Claudia knew she had done some things that people could easily label her the same. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. With that said, it’s impossible to talk to someone that does not want to like you or be friends with you because of your association with someone else they chose to dislike. They will never give you a chance. I’m not surprised that she is simply following NeNe’s lead. I also thought "the evil city woman" comment from her mother was quite inappropriate. I hope these two can come to terms and civilly flush out their issues.

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