Sliding Doors
Lisa VanderPump reflects on the beginning of this season's drama, and how it could have been different
Oh dear, we were doing so well...
It was very strange watching this week’s episode, to see Camille interacting with her friend Nick. If she knew then what she knows now, I am sure it would've been different, but in life hindsight is 20/20. I know exactly how it appears, and I am sure Camille will be judged accordingly. However if she was still married now—with Nick and his wife securely placed as Kelsey and Camille's close friends—I think we would watch and view it differently.
Camille, in her own words, says she prefers the company of men. I understand that, but I think she would benefit from letting her guard down with other women—not being competitive, just enjoying the camaraderie that a female relationship can bring.
That is what I find so fascinating about these shows—how relationships change, deteriorate, solidify, whatever path they take—we, as the viewer, enjoy the ride and the occasional emotional roller coaster this entails.
At the beginning of the show, Adrienne invites us all to Las Vegas to see Jay-Z so we decided to meet at my restaurant, Villa Blanca, for drinks so that we were all familiar with each other before the weekend. Some of us hadn't met Taylor’s husband, so this was a great excuse for everybody to introduce themselves.
Well Vegas was an incredible trip and going with Adrienne is definitely the ultimate. We had amazing dinners at the Palms. The suites were fabulous. Everybody seemed pretty relaxed and then after two days of laughter and bantering, things took a turn for the worse. There was an altercation between Kyle and Camille that I wasn't witness to, but I could already see the tension and animosity that has arisen from just that singular conversation. It was the catalyst for the dynamic radically changing between us all. Emotions were running high, and you will see in the coming episodes how difficult the situation became. My regret is that as I was sitting next to them both at the time of this conversation, and I dearly wish I had witnessed the exchange. Then maybe I could have tried to mediate and placate them both, to avoid the discord that ultimately ruined future gatherings.
Oh well I will see you next week. Thanks for watching, and I love your comments!