A Dinner Party from Beverly Hells
Brandi discusses Adrienne's lawyers, Kyle and Kim's relationship, and who she thinks is a "hot, aggressive mess."
First lets put "Mistress Gate" behind us. So glad that is over and am looking forward to some peace on that front. And yes I do believe in love very much and look forward to having lots of fun on my road to discovering it again.
So heading into this next dinner party, I have a lot on my plate having just been served with papers from Adrienne Maloof's high-powered lawyer who asked me to either never have an opinion on or defend myself against Adrinenne and Paul again or to prepare for a court battle. I'm still unclear why it is OK for Adrienne (or her cook) to come after me and my family, but the second I fight back I'm served with lawyer papers. At this point most of the ladies don't know the entire story of what went on between Adrienne, and but as we watch further they will see it unfold.
Watching Kyle continuously doubt Kim's ability to stay sober is very very hard for me. I have quite a few sober friends and know that they need and rely on the support of there family and friends almost more then anything. It seems that Kyle is almost assuming Kim will fail and in an odd way the idea of that seems to please her.
Moving on to Lisa and Ken's "swinging" it seemed so sexual to me. . .did anyone else get that vibe? Anyhow I think it was the most romantic thing ever for my boyfriend Ken to do that for his beautiful wife.
I love me some YoYo but there is no way in hell I could not eat for 10 days. One day might even be a stretch but God bless her for being so strong.
Taylor. . .what can I say I feel bad for her but she was a hot aggressive mess.
Dinner party from Beverly Hells!! I really enjoyed talking to Marissa, her brother Paul, and her husband Dean. They are all very likable people. All was good in the hood, until Mauricio decided to come after me for something that has absolutely nothing to do with him. He didn't nearly have all the information and in what world does a married man and a father of four daughters have a go at a single mother at a dinner party? Thank you to Ken and Lisa for stepping in and trying to put a stop to it all. I so very appreciate it, but as we have learned many of times before I can and do defend myself!
Oh and listen up "Mo" no one is perfect -- not even you -- but you don't see me coming after you! Maybe it's just not my business to attack you for something that has NOTHING to do with me.
Well what my "amazing brain" is telling me to do is to stay out of it. Man up and follow suit.