Lisa: Maybe I Should Have Backed Off of Brandi
Lisa explains her motherly x-ray instincts and reflects on how it is to see Brandi's subtle digs played back now.

Welcome back I hope you all had a prosperous week...
It is disconcerting when we view these episodes so many months later and see how things have changed. As I lay talking to Brandi on her bed, she was still devastated at losing Chica. I felt the loss too, knowing how painful that must be and tried to comfort her. . .She was not in a particularly good place, and I was aware that her visiting her family was also probably going to be emotionally difficult. I had offered my support in accompanying her, but she declined, choosing Yolanda instead, which in retrospect was probably better as I was playing catchup all year!
It's strange when I hear her say I am all diamonds and darlings and I shouldn't go with her. . . Subtle dig, but it registered. Anyway the loss of Chica was the first hurdle to overcome.
I am glad she had some resolution with her family when she was there.
So we all are invited to a self defense class. It was a bit of a giggle, Kyle ribbing me about never going to the market, playing with me, and, as most of you know, I love a laugh. So, for the most part, it pretty much went without incident, which is always a good thing. But when Brandi socked the trainer, I heard a crack and thought it was quite possible her hand was broken. She told me that she didn't want to make a fuss at the lesson in front of Joyce. I understood that.
So the three of us decided to go for a drink. I had a short time before I had to work at SUR -- not forgetting the challenge of having two shows at the same time, I never knew quite when I was coming or going!
When we sitting there I had noticed Brandi's hand starting to swell, and having had children who have broken things, felt yes I was being motherly but it was important that she had an x-ray. I would take her.
I suddenly I am being warned to back off. Maybe I should've done exactly that! I question myself now, should you just let your friends fend for themselves? I don't think so. In fact, if anyone wants to mother me I would welcome it! Her hand was broken and her wrapping it in celo-tape was not the answer. . .
And so as the story unfolds, we see hints of dissension in our relationship, which is sad to me as I believed we were so close. There is a slow deterioration that I am starting to see and hopefully some things that I couldn't fathom will be explained. Your tweets and comments have been so supportive and I thank you for that.
I hope you all had a happy holiday weekend and I will see you next week. Until then, love always.