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Lisa R.: It Was Just as Classy as I Anticipated

Lisa R. dishes on her first reunion experience and why she isn't bothered by the Depends jokes.

By Lisa Rinna

What did you think about part one of The Hunger Games? I mean, part one of the reunion. I’m actually in a different country on vacation with my family, and there is nowhere else I’d rather be. This is where I am the happiest!

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Bravo Tuesdays at 8/7c and next day on Peacock. Catch up on Bravo.

As you can probably guess, from the time we finished taping, I had not seen a few of the girls and needless to say, I could have gone another few months, or really, another few lifetimes without seeing them. But here we were, locked and loaded on two couches sitting across from each other. It seems some came in ready to toss out passive aggressive insults about how much better they were than the rest of us, and others came in with a more direct approach, shooting out insults the whole way through. Just as classy as I had anticipated it to be.

Does Kim Have More Pride Than Lisa R.?

One thing that I want to touch on, which I also did in an earlier blog this season, was the amazing charity that Kimberly-Clark (Depend) donated nearly a quarter of a million dollars to when I did their commercial. The fact that I got paid handsomely and Dress For Success did as well is worth any teasing or taunting I may get. If "not taking pride" in the jobs I choose means this worthy charity gets a hearty six figure check and some recognition, then so be it!

About Dress For Success:
Dress for Success is a global not-for-profit organization that promotes the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support, and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.

You know, at one point, we see Brandi mention how she wishes I was more honest and not only hold the honesty for my interviews. How quickly she forgets about the lunch we had where I sat down and addressed how I wanted to talk about her and her crazy behavior. I asked why she says such mean things and acts out with the others. Maybe to Brandi this doesn’t count as honesty because she took our conversation and spun it, so we landed on the topic of Kim and not her. I don’t know. Just a thought.

How stunning does Kyle look in red? I knew how stressful it was for her to be in this situation. Having to see her sister for the first time in months with cameras around can’t be easy, but of course, she remained strong, and I’m proud of her for that.

A Surprising Update on Kim and Kyle's Relationship

I think Lisa V. said it perfectly when she spoke of Brandi’s drinking. She’s absolutely right to point out that that when Brandi drinks, it may not be a problem in her life, but it certainly becomes our group’s problem when she does it around us. Lisa was completely spot on with this one. And I know Pump loves the color pink, but that purple was fabulous on her! I love the royal purple, because let’s face it, Lisa V. is the Queen!

Eileen was also right to point out that she only commented on Brandi’s negative behaviors that happened while in her presence. One of those times happening in her own home! Eileen is always fair, she’s compassionate and she is direct. Such a class act and a gorgeous one to boot! I feel so grateful to have gone through this with Eileen as the other newbie. I can’t imagine this experience without her. Thank you, Eileen!

Many prayers and well wishes go out to Yolanda. What a trooper to even come to the reunion at all! I can only handle so much crazy and yelling even on my best days, so I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it was for her to sit on the couch for the short time she was there. I also commend her for being able to take the high road when discussing what was said about Bella. I’m not so sure I could have done the same if something similar was said to me about one of my girls!

Thank you for all of your very beautiful well wishes and words of encouragement for my parents. My dad successfully made it through three bouts of pneumonia in the past year and is out of the hospital and doing OK. Both he and my mom are hanging in there but best of all have each other at almost 87 and 93.

This is just the beginning, so sit tight and keep your seat belts safety fastened. I have a lot more to say about a lot of things. Just you wait!

Next on RHOBH: More F-Bombs

Until next week…



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