Dorit Kemsley: I’m Back and Feeling Stronger Than Ever
Dorit sheds major light on the Lucy situation.

I’m back and ready for a brand new season! I’m so excited for you all to embark on yet another wild ride with me and the girls. The last few months have been a whirlwind of emotions, and I just want to thank every single one of you for your continued support over the last few years.
First, I want to take a moment to remember Lisa V’s brother who is sadly no longer with us. I could sense the grief was taking a toll on her, and I was heartbroken for her loss. It was devastating to see my friend go through that, and all I wished is that I could take her pain away. PK goes way back with Lisa V and Ken. We’ve all become great friends over the last few years, and it was difficult for us to see Lisa go through such heartache.
As a proud mom to two angels, few things mean more to me than quality time with my family. Especially heartfelt moments including one of my favorite family traditions that PK and I started with the kids, where we travel in a rocket ship to “magical places” under the covers in our bed. It’s so fun to watch Jagger and Phoenix grow into these curious, precocious, imaginative little humans. I’ll cherish these times with them forever.
A little girl time and catch-up at Erika’s house was much-needed after I experienced one of the most distressing incidents in my life. While PK and I were away, we were burglarized and came home to find that every handbag and piece of jewelry of mine and PK’s along with some art and other items had been stolen. I was thankful that no one got hurt, but the robbery ultimately tipped my world upside down and prompted me to take a trip to Utah. I knew I needed to challenge myself mentally and physically—not just for me but for my family—so I climbed a mountain all by myself. The climb not only renewed my sense of self, but it also got my design wheels turning and inspired the athleisure line for Beverly Beach. It’s a collection of chic yet comfortable activewear for women to dress up or dress down as they please. Anyway, I’ve always considered myself as a spiritual person, but the trip to Utah has been the biggest spiritual awakening I’ve had thus far. Opening up about this hardship to Erika, whose friendship I continually value, was so refreshing. She’s the type of girl who can instantly boost my spirit, and I’m grateful I can talk to her comfortably about anything.
As for the Vanderpump Dog Foundation situation, it’s disheartening to say the least. PK and I adopted Lucy, and our family grew to love her. Despite trying with the best dog trainers, we decided she wasn’t the right fit for us after she bit Jagger and Phoenix and left a tear in PK’s nose. Although it was a difficult decision, I knew what I was doing was best for Lucy and our family, so we sent Lucy home with an honest woman who PK met through a work relationship. She confirmed that she already had one dog and that Lucy would make a lovely addition in her life and on trips to the dog beach. I called Lisa immediately after Lucy had left and explained the situation and how it seemed like a harmonious fit. Lucy’s new mother sent us videos and updates of Lucy playing until one day I got a call from Lisa V saying Lucy ended up in a shelter. I was beyond shocked and attempted to understand how this could have happened. The woman who we sent Lucy home with had a family emergency and could no longer care for Lucy. She was assured that Lucy was going to another safe, loving home, but much to our dismay, apparently ended up in a shelter.

Still, I find it odd that Lisa and her staff discussed this incredibly hurtful situation so openly at the foundation. I’m happy that Lisa V had my back when her employee brought it up, but it seems fishy, and dare I say pre-planned, that the conversation would arise while Kyle and Teddi were there as the cameras were rolling. Particularly when it clearly showed that Lisa had the opportunity to stop John Sessa from parading Lucy out and putting the story out there.
That brings me to the lunch PK and I had with Lisa V and Ken at Crustacean. Despite Lisa previously assuring me she wasn’t upset by the Lucy situation, she, for reasons I don’t quite understand, felt the need to tell me that it was being talked about at the Vanderpump Dog Foundation. It made me nervous to think what kind of conversations were happening behind my back about something that was already so hurtful for me, especially in front of someone who wouldn’t have my best interest, namely Teddi. I was feeling very apprehensive at lunch and about what was transpiring behind my back.

In lighter news, I loved meeting the new girl in the gang, Denise Richards. She has such a great spirit, and I instantly looked forward to getting to know her more when we first met. She has a kind, fun, down-to-earth demeanor, and I could tell she’d be a welcomed addition to our group.
At Kyle’s pool party, it really warmed my heart when Jagger and Cruz hit it off. Teddi and I hadn’t spoken after last season ended, and I was still very hurt from the events that transpired. Despite she being the only person in the group who my relationship with hadn’t evolved for the better, in that moment when our sons bonded, it felt like there was nothing she and I couldn’t look past. It was an eye-opening reminder that we could learn a valuable life lesson from our children. I also felt a sense of relief, because although Lisa mentioned to me a few times that Teddi knew about the Lucy situation, I didn’t know if she’d try and use it against me. I simply hope that we can put the past behind us—if not for our sake then for the sake of our sons.
See you here next week, lovelies!