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7 Things You Didn't See at the Season 2 #RHOD Reunion

Check out what else went down at this Lone Star State reunion. 

By Ineye Komonibo
The RHOD Dildo's Housewives Tagline

The Season 2 reunion of The Real Housewives of Dallas made all of us laugh, gasp, and cry as we watched the Dallas 'Wives go head to head and rehash a season full of drama. But you didn't see everything that went down when the ladies and Andy got together. For instance, check out what Dallas' favorite dildo's Housewives tagline would be above. HInt: there's two versions!

How to Watch

Catch up on The Real Housewives of Dallas on Peacock or Bravo.

But the BTS fun doesn't stop there - watch these six moments you missed the season 2 #RHOD reunion. Does Kameron own anything that ISN'T pink? Who has the best boobs? Who can - and can't - hold their Jesus juice? Find out below and head to Road to Reunion: The Real Housewives of Dallas for everything reunion! 

1. Kameron Has Pink Garage?

This Is the One Thing Kameron Westcott Doesn't Have in Pink

You'll be surprised by the one thing she owns that isn't pink. 


2. Andy Asks Which Dallas 'Wife Has the Best Boobs

Andy Cohen Asks: Which RHOD Housewife Has The Best Boobs?

This group knows a thing or two about plastic surgery. 


3. One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor

Which RHOD Housewife Handles Their Booze The Best?

The ladies discuss who's best at getting down without going down.


4. Fashion Police: Dallas Edition

RHOD 'Wives Biggest Fashion Regrets

Not every look is a good look--just ask D'Andra Simmons


5. How to Have a Good Morning after a Hard Night

Get Over a Hang Over Like a Real Housewife

When you party as hard as these Housewives, a good hangover cure is a necessity. Brandi Redmond surprised us all with hers. 


6. Sexual Chocolate Reloaded

Which Dallas Housewife Has a Bag of Sex Toys Under Her Bed?

One 'Wife is as naughty as she is nice.

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