Stephanie: I Don't Have Words For My Lunch with LeeAnne
Stephanie weighs in on her friendship with Brandi and LeeAnne's luncheon confrontation.
Hello everyone,
This week’s episode brought an overwhelming mix of emotions. Brandi and I always laugh and have fun when we are together. When we realized that Cary had never had a Bachelorette Party, Brandi and I decided we’d give her one! The manager obviously knew we were coming and came by to say hello. Brandi and I always say hi to everyone, even LeeAnne.
As I watched episode 3, I became a little perplexed. Originally, the stage was empty so Cary and I encouraged Brandi to go onstage and show us some of her dance moves. Brandi is a wonderful dancer and always shows off when there's music. She has always been a huge fan of Dancing with the Stars but I think she forgot that the guy onstage is a different type of professional dancer. It was definitely more “Stumbling through the Bars” than Dancing with the Stars! I wish we would have encouraged Brandi to stop dancing, but with my own beer goggles on that night, she looked as beautiful as Julianne Hough. This is the very first time in my life that I am so grateful to have parents who raised me to have absolutely no rhythm!
When Brandi shared with me that Bryan was upset with her, I tried to comfort her. I regret going out that night because the aftermath was painful for my friend. Looking back, we should have gone home after dinner and not tried to throw an impromptu bachelorette party. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. I doubt we are the only people that have ever gotten carried away in the moment and later look back and wish we could have a “do-over”.
When I think about the luncheon with LeeAnne… quite frankly, I don’t even have words for it. I felt like I was back in junior high. It was silly. Brandi has been a tried and true friend for 10 years. She is like a sister to me. I outgrew giving in to peer pressure years ago. I am a stronger person than that.
I have found the men and women of the charity world to be open minded, non-judgmental, kind, loving, giving and genuinely concerned about the welfare of others. They work to relieve the pain and suffering of others. They do not work to divide and conquer. They do not judge but give with an open heart believing that their love and kindness will give those who are suffering and hurting the hope and the resources they need for that part of their journey. It is not just about raising money. It is about raising money to raise awareness and to join with others as they make the journey through the healing process. It is not about pointing fingers. It is about holding out hands to lift up others and at times holding them up as they walk through their journey.
The men and women who support charities shine the light of hope and love rather than judgment and abandonment. The people we help are not less than or unworthy because of their pain and suffering but are valued survivors. We understand that by the grace of God…there go I. As those we help are empowered and heal, it is our hope that they likewise will hold out their hands to lift others up and walk with them through their healing journey.
The men and women of the charity world understand that love, kindness, giving and sharing with an open nonjudgmental heart is the greatest gift one can give on this earth. The greatest gift is love!