Cary: I Don't Envy LeeAnne's Position
"To this day, even after all of the somber apologies and ownership on that reunion couch, I’m still very disappointed."

Season 2 of The Real Housewives of Dallas has come to an end. Thanks again for watching :) Again, you all have no idea how much your love and support has meant to me and my family.
It’s been a really bumpy ride.
I’d like to take this final opportunity to reflect on what I’ve been through, what I’ve learned, where I stand, and what the future might hold.
Tonight, we got to see Mark and I truly address the interworking of our relationship. If anyone looks at their own marriage with a critical eye, they will see peaks and valleys, ups and downs. For us, it felt like the few downs this year were really highlighted, and while that was very difficult in the beginning, I’m actually thankful for it. I think this process can change you for the better, and it has helped us both to ease back a bit on the sarcasm and to be more tender in our relationship. I feel really badly that Mark had to defend himself as a father. That was one of the most challenging parts about this year in terms of misconception. He’s actually on a daddy-daughter trip right now as I’m writing this blog. We all have good days and bad days. I think the most important thing is to be true to who you are and to be the best person you can. What others see is just extra; it’s the love that you truly nurture at home that makes a difference.
I’ve gotten to know each of the girls a lot better. I’ve made some life-long friends, and I’ve also learned to be more guarded about who I let in to my personal life. Sometimes, it pays to be cautious about how close I let some people get to me. I’ve seen first hand that retaliating for hurt feelings is an awful thing to do because it’s at those times that you can behave the worst based on being hurt. I could never live with myself if I made a habit of that, so I’m going to try my best to never be motivated by revenge again.
As we all watch the reunion, we definitely see LeeAnne being put in the most defensive position. I feel sorry for that and for her. I’m hopeful that she can follow through with her apologies for her behavior and actions. I’m hopeful for us all that she means it when she says she’ll try to do better. There are several moments where it can appear to be one versus many, but this is just what it looks like when one person attacks several different people over the course of a year and then has to face them and everything that has been said. I don’t envy her position, and I truly wish her the best, hoping that she can stay on this positive path of doing better “every day and every way.” I look cautiously forward, though…to this day, even after all of the somber apologies and ownership on that reunion couch, I’m still very disappointed.

I’m so relieved to say that my current personal narrative is such a positive one. I’m focusing on continuing to find the perfect balance between work and home, family and career. Zuri just turned five and is really excelling in school (still pre K). Every day she amazes us with the person she is growing into. My step-kids are starting their last year of high school and college, so there’s a ton of excitement and possibility there! Our plastic surgery practice recently underwent a huge expansion and remodel. We have opened a state-of-the-art laser center, and I still spend 2 days a week at work, now focusing on our injectable patients. Check it all out at for the latest! We have even recently taken on a young new practice partner to keep up with our business growth, so the work front is really exciting!
Finally, Mark and I just celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary this past week. We couldn’t be happier and are more in love than ever! In the next month, we are going to start a major project at our house, adding a new true chef’s kitchen and a master closet that truly fits my growing wardrobe (and skeletons haha!)
So, what does the future hold for these Dallas star-holding ladies? I know that I cannot put myself or my family through the same negative narrative again. The toxicity that reared its ugly head time and again over this past year was so malignant, so unhealthy, and so destructive. I truly need a positive tone and path, which makes me even more grateful for good friends and family to shed some light in the darkness. I’m hopeful for a new positive chapter in the future.
Still, as rough as it seemed at times, Mark and I had a great year. We are both immeasurably thankful to you all!
Goodbye for now…