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LeeAnne Locken Speaks Out About That Police Report

And get a closer look at the report itself. 

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While there were quite a few shocks in the premiere of The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 2, the news of Marie Reyes posting a police report involving LeeAnne Locken definitely left our jaws on the floor. Dallas Housewife Cary Deuber quickly summarized the report in the episode, "LeeAnne's friend Marie decided to tweet some police report that LeeAnne tried to kill some guy with a knife - and sandpaper." But it was Stephanie who pulled up the report on her phone and read it aloud. While it was quickly shown on screen as she read, we've been able to provide that text from the 2008 police report below: 

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In her Episode 1 blog, LeeAnne gave her side of how and why this report came to light. She wrote of Marie's posting, "After the reunion, I knew that Marie wasn't done with her unbridled and irrational compulsion to destroy me and my reputation. Mostly, it’s just very sad that she can’t seem to let go of her petty vendetta, which is why I wasn’t surprised at all when she released something negative about me again…" More significantly, LeeAnne clarified that the report contains negative information, "none of which is true." She repeated that police report is false again in her blog later writing "that this was never an actual case and that the situation never even took place." 

LeeAnne's fellow Housewives had very different reactions to the report and its startling contents. Cary was sympathetic towards LeeAnne's plight - mostly. She stated, "I can't say that I'm 100%, but I'm going to try to give her the benefit of the doubt." Cary also called LeeAnne at hearing  the news as she felt it was the "right thing to do." Meanwhile, Stephanie was far more skeptical, "Should you have friends who take a knife to an ex-boyfriend and that doesn't shock you, that's not a healthy friendship, right?" She later added, "I'm going to frisk her for knives and sandpaper." However, perhaps newbie Kameron Westcott reacted as we're sure many did: with confusion. "I would never think of sandpaper was a weapon?" 

Read LeeAnne's full blog here for her thoughts on the 'Wives reactions. 

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