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D'Andra Simmons: Kameron Always Has to Be Involved

D'Andra airs out her grievances with Kameron and LeeAnne.

By D'Andra Simmons 
D'Andra Simmons and Kameron Westcott's Neverending Elevator Argument

Hey, Y'all!

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Well, we made it over the Atlantic alive, but I am not sure that we will be so lucky for the trip back after the start to this vacay! Let’s review, shall we?

Right out of the gate, Kameron throws her champagne on me! Okay, I know she didn’t actually mean to spill it, however she and LeeAnne were just a little too happy about my pants getting soaked. Not sure who “karma” is, but Kameron Westcott sure has been acting like a bitch!

D'Andra Simmons Wants Kameron Westcott to Stay Out of It

Sorry, Brandi! I know you wanted to call LeeAnne out on her accusations of you being an alcoholic, but Kameron and I had unfinished business, and what better way to air our grievances than over Danish food! When Kameron asked me, “Why didn’t you call her?” referring to LeeAnne’s wedding dress shopping, it didn’t feel like “just a question,” as Kameron put it. It felt like an accusation. I didn’t call LeeAnne, because she texted me at 8:47 p.m. the night before the appointment, which was the next morning. She didn’t reach out to me with a call, so why should it be my responsibility to call her? I’m confused. If Kameron is such an etiquette expert, she should know better than to pose this question to me. And, she is so opinionated about me not being there, yet she is LeeAnne’s new bestie, so why the hell was she absent? What was so important that caused Kameron to miss the wedding dress shopping? If the shoe fits….

If LeeAnne wanted me to shop with her for wedding dresses, she should have asked me in advance, but she didn’t. Unlike Kameron and her feelings regarding Brandi’s baby being a secret, I am not going to throw a fit about this. Also, just because you are sitting at the table doesn’t mean that the conversation has anything to do with you! You don’t see the other girls butting in like that! Kameron always has to be involved, and if she isn’t, she goes crazy! And, I’m the psycho--go figure! She is constantly talking negatively about Brandi, yet is still expected to be invited to her trip to see her grandparents last year and to be included in Bruin’s adoption reveal! So, tell me again that I’m the psycho! GROW UP!

Thank you to Brandi for providing some comic relief to this ridiculous moment! I thought those elevator doors would never close. If I have to hear one more time from Kameron that she has never done anything to me, but that I attacked her, I am going to lose it! Kameron is taking a note from LeeAnne on these crocodile tears. Very good performance, Kam! I almost believed you.

Speaking of Oscar-worthy performances, LeeAnne’s speech to me about controlling myself and taking responsibility for my own actions was one for the books! I would have even thought she was right, and I should try to be calmer, but not five minutes later she is standing on the couch about to clock me in the face because I told her to stay out of my business with Kameron! When I brought Brandi to that infamous charity event, I didn’t step into Brandi and LeeAnne’s argument, because it was between THEM, but these two are like Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Bitch! You can’t get one without the other piping up. My problems with LeeAnne have been steadily increasing, and Kameron knows that and has not helped one bit. I can’t have a conversation with LeeAnne without Kameron inserting herself into the mix or vice versa. These two have been teaming up on me, not just since we began this trip, but for the past few months!

When LeeAnne stood up on that couch, I did not only get a flash of the “old” LeeAnne, but I also felt a wave of emotion come over me from my past experiences with domestic violence. If you have been abused, you know that the threat of being towered over with a fist getting thrown in your face is a terribly familiar feeling.

So, after I mistakenly pointed my finger in her face (wrong thing to do with crazy people), and she came up off the couch like the Incredible Hulk, I felt that inherent threat. I put my hand out in defense to stop her from hitting me. LeeAnne just said last week that she was going to “karate chop me in the throat,” now she was standing over me about to do it! I believe they call that premeditation. I feel sad that LeeAnne and I have gotten to this place. She is someone I have always considered a close friend. These past few months have been difficult for both of us, and I am not sure what the future holds for our friendship.

After the sun came up, and the drama subsided, I was ready to actually start having some fun! I really enjoyed cooking with Cary, and I’m glad we had that time together to do something we both enjoy. Notice, when the subject came up with Cary about the altercation the night before, I never said I am completely right and they are both completely wrong. LeeAnne thinks that I can’t take responsibility for my stuff, yet I am not the one quoting bogus psychology to excuse why I react to things. LeeAnne even admitted that she "wanted to punch me in the face, so obviously I was right to feel a little skittish and wary when she jumped up! Perhaps I should have handled myself better, but I knew I had to defend myself, and I am sick of getting tagged teamed by Kameron and LeeAnne!

It was so fun to be able to go to Cary’s cousin’s gig and get to relax. The music was so cool and different. It reminded me of when I was a college student in Paris during my junior year abroad. I am glad Cary let us be a part of this special evening. Travel, art, and music are a big part of my life, and I know Cary was excited to learn more about her family, too.

Of course, we all knew this “zen” moment couldn’t last. I am glad that Brandi finally had an opportunity to confront LeeAnne about her accusations. Hearing Kameron straight up deny that LeeAnne said the words “alcoholic” at Kameron’s event and twist Cary saying “those are big words” to fit her own agenda proves that she will say anything to take LeeAnne’s side, even flat out lie! I agree with Cary, Kameron is a p----!

Tonight, Brandi Redmond’s Plan Is to Be an Alcoholic

And, LeeAnne, the fact that you would say that Brandi is “not sophisticated enough” to be an alcoholic is ludicrous! You sitting there with your half-ass apology to Brandi, then immediately turning around to call her a drunk proves my point. You haven’t changed, and I don’t think you ever will.

Tune in next week to see the naked truth and some more naked Cary!

Love, D’Andra 

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