Let's Hear it for the Boys
Alex McCord emerges from Fashion Week to put a little focus on the D.C. husbands.
OK, mama is home and catching up on two episodes. Took the false eyelashes off, the hair extensions out, and it’s time to blog. Yes, it’s the end of Fashion Week in New York, and I’m feeling TIRED.
If I were Mary, I’d have wanted to jump over the table and pound that drunken Tareq for his horrible accusations. Since we are in D.C., not NJ, Mary did not do that. She listened to Tareq implicate her daughter for (what?) car theft? Equipment damage? Hard to say, and now of course there are stories online that this happened two years prior to filming, but never mind. Going off what we saw onscreen, Tareq didn’t have the cojones to come out and directly tell Mary what Lolly allegedly did, and I don’t buy it for a second.
Cat got sassy with Edwina Rogers, and I lapped it up. Personally, there’s something I truly love about women attempting to be polite when their political beliefs are questioned. Edwina really just wanted to be on camera, invite Cat to a party and serve some cucumber sandwiches. She didn’t want to talk about healthcare, which Cat sensed and pounced on. Well played, Cat.
The men came out this week! Jason continued his papa bear role, from backing up Mary last week with Tareq, to finding a potential bridge to Stacie’s birth father on Facebook this week. Meanwhile Rich wore fetching orange pants and sardonically reminded Mary that the only way her supersonic closet lock will work is if she uses it. We then moved on to the Men Against Breast Cancer gala, which touched us here in Brooklyn as Simon’s first wife is a 16-year survivor of the disease. What a great segment, of course made humorous by the ladies’ reaction to the male models on the runway. Were we at a fashion show or at Chippendales? Regardless, I’m glad we got to see Paul Wharton again, even if only on the runway!
8 million? 8 dollars? 800? 800,000? Did anyone else wonder what went along with the number eight Tareq mentioned as his house price range? Michaele busied herself with dreaming of the $20 million home they drove past in Spring Valley, or wanted to stay at the Four Seasons – she couldn’t decide which. No matter, as long as it’s not a condo. Perhaps they could have bought Lynda’s Ritz Carlton apartment?
Speaking of Lynda, she cracked me up. What former Southern Baptist converts to Judaism, burns sage and pours holy water all over her new house? Lynda, that’s who. I hope she does fabulous things with her windows and the other things she wants to fix up.
After I got over my anger at them being included on the show, I wanted to find ways to feel sympathy for the Salahis. I don’t. They bug me. I didn’t care about their renovation plans for the winery, or that Tareq and his mother have issues. I didn’t care about Michaele’s tears; I just wanted her off the screen. On the other hand, I wanted to jump through the TV and hug Cat when she tried to hold it together over the loss of her friend. Funny how that works.
Stay tuned for next week, and in the meantime, find me on Twitter or Facebook to find out what we’re up to.