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Alex gives us her take on the past three episodes (and wants to go drinking with Cat).

By Alex McCord

Wow, what a ride. I don't even know where to start. Well, yes I do –- I apologize that this blog is seriously late. Work and life have been more than a little crazy these days, and that's all I'm going to say about that. Catching up quickly, here are my impressions of all of the ladies prior to next week's reunion.

Michaele seemed to try to deflect the fact no one remembered her as a Redskins Cheerleader by saying she had asked the organization to help her lie about her age. She stated more than once that she paid alumni dues for the last 5 years, and I have no doubt she did. That doesn't necessarily mean she was ever a cheerleader, just that she joined the alumni organization. Deflection was also used by Tareq over Dinnergate –- while Tareq said in the Bravo Clubhouse that he felt vindicated watching this episode, I wasn't aware that they were ever accused of giving false names or hurdling fences in black tie. Over and over we've heard, in time, everything will come out. When is that time? Time is running out, I think!

I've really enjoyed watching Stacie search for her birth father, and was really happy to see in the finale crawl that she has found him. Does anyone want to know whether running the license plate in the photo of her dad we saw last week helped? Don't know why I'm fixated on that, but no matter. Regardless of whatever future relationship Stacie and her biological father may have, knowing is better than not knowing, and I wish her the best for the meeting-to-come. She and Jason seem to have their heads on straight, and I've enjoyed getting to know a little bit about them on-screen.

Lynda, her homes, her astrologer and her dogs all amuse me. She's fun, and not above giving photos to security of people she doesn't want at her parties –- though it's better if they actually look at them! I will say that Paul was spot on in his gentle chiding of Lynda this week. It takes a very, very strong woman to be willing to walk away from a lifestyle she can't sustain for herself. I know a few women who have, and they've been the better for it, but I have to agree with Paul that Michaele had a great chance and didn't take it.

Hopefully Mary will no longer need a biometric lock on her closet, as Lolly and Kona have their own place! Here's hoping that having separate homes reduces angst and growing pains, and that Rich designs a line of trousers. Hopefully that happy family stays happy, busy, and as in love with life as they seem to be.

Cat's situation breaks my heart a little. She's brash and outspoken, but not abusive or a bully and seems like she'd be a great drinking buddy. It's so upsetting to see a marriage break down as hers clearly has. I found myself searching BravoTV.com for more on her, and was happy to find the video of Cat sending her father off to the White House Christmas party -- that was very sweet. Some people yammer on about how all you need is love, but when a relationship ends, it's the courage to love yourself that will carry you through to the next chapter.

Knowing what we know now, I tend to think the reunion episodes will be exciting –- who wants to see how Andy seats the ladies? Until then, catch me on twitter @mccordalex. Enjoy the long weekend! 

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