Cristy explains her reaction to Elsa, and has wants Adriana to know she isn't feeling jealous.
They always say that "time flies when your having fun." So if you’re feeling as I am, that these six episodes have flown by, then I hope you've had as much fun watching as I did.
I still feel like there is so much more to all of us that remains to be seen. . . Let's see what the future holds for us. Maybe we should ask Elsa if there will be a Season 2 for the RHMIA!!!
Well, this was a long episode and pretty entertaining I might add. Larsa's designer Getty was a good time, and as you can see I am always eating (que pena).
Larsa, rightfully so, went off on Adriana for ruining her lunch. I am pretty much tired of her so I did not even waste my time. Larsa's friend Tara was on a roll and making us laugh all night, but nothing has made me laugh harder all season then Adriana's interview comments about me “being jealous of her body and wishing I had any part of her looks or that personality." I would say the truth about this situation, but I will stick to what my mami always said "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all." I think maybe for her birthday a full-length mirror would be a good gift or maybe some seeing glasses!!! Jeje!
Marysol got a bad rap for her dinner. I agree that it was not a "cooking lesson" per se, but it works for me because I do have four or five kids to feed every night, and I don't love to cook. At the end of the day Philippe was being a good salesman, and the food was not bad. Or was it that her mom made everyone so nervous at the table that no one had time to taste the food? Just kidding -- I remember it being good.As for the rest of the night, it was a bit uncomfortable to see Larsa getting attacked by pretty much everyone at the table (with the exception of Alexia) whether they spoke or not!
I thought it was weird at first that Marysol had her mom join us, since all of us have beautiful loving mothers, but none of them were asked to join us at our girls' luncheon/dinners. We were all strategically placed at the table (name cards) and "coincidentally" Elsa sat between Larsa and I and went off on us both! That's ironic. . .
I personally did not pay much attention to a word she said to me because with that night included I think I have seen that woman about a whole six hours of my life. It is clear that whatever she had to say to me was straight from gossip sessions she may have had with her daughter. I was not about to pay any mind to her trying to tell me about my own life. Elsa has a very different way of thinking than I do. In my life, money does not come first. I would never disrespect an elder woman, but I will recognize a disrespectful older woman. What she did that night to Larsa was not nice, and unfortunately Larsa let it get to her. I believe at her age she should know better, and if possibly the drinks got the best of her as Marysol suggested at the table that night, then Marysol should have changed the subject or told her to STOP while she was ahead.
I just think it’s wrong to invite someone to your home and then make them feel bad. Lea and Adriana kept egging it on and that was also catty. Elsa is a funny lady, and I enjoyed hearing her stories. But everything in life has a limit, and we should all recognize when we have reached it.Adriana -- I seem to be her favorite subject of interviews, but tonight she went too far. Clearly Adriana's goal has been to destroy the image of her ex-husband, and she should pat herself on the back because she did a pretty good job. I, however will NOT tolerate her devious and lying words when it comes to my marriage or my family. I just met Adriana a few months ago, and she has the nerve to comment on my marriage? I don't agree with a woman trashing the father of her kids on national TV as Adriana has repeatedly done. I happen to respect my family, and Glen and I have five beautiful kids of which don't care to hear Adriana talking about.
What happens within your family should stay in your family. Unfortunately, when you are famous or married to someone famous your business gets put out there. Many times, what gets printed is far from the truth, but that’s what the tabloids live off of and its a price you’ve got to pay for fame. I don't wish this on anyone and less when innocent children are involved.
Once again -- Adriana -- what's your point???
Lea's got jokes? Yes, she did. She totally punked us, but it was all good. The way I see it is, had she not done that many of us would have never had the experience of visiting an organic farm. The drive was long, and it was really hot, but what really had me going crazy was that I was starving. And as I am sure you guys have seen by now -- I love to eat. I am not a really healthy food type of girl so this lunch was killing me. At least we got some cute pictures out of it.
Marysol's face over Larsa's comment was pretty much worth the trip too. LOL. . .
Where will we be tomorrow? I am not sure but I pray that we have all enjoyed, learned, and grown from this experience. It was a great time.
Many of you have asked me if I regret having done the show and the answer is "NO." I seldom regret life's experiences, rather I enjoy and/or learn from them. This season taught me a lot about friendship and loyalty.
Follow me on Twitter @cubanrice and Facebook (Cristy Rice) and hopefully you can continue to get to know more about the real me. No more ticket drama -- LOL.
I will be enjoying my babies and working on my CubanRice Jewelry for my BriBri Boutique. I am also hoping to have my bathing suits and workout wear in my boutique soon. Please check us out at www.shopbribri.com.
Much love and thank you for all of your kind words and support throughout. I enjoyed reading your comments and tweets, and I hope that I was able to address most of your questions.
God Bless and stay tuned for WWHL next week! Cristy