A Different Side of Lea
Lisa reveals why the storm was a blessing in disguise.
Before I begin this week’s blog, I want to acknowledge the horrible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. My heart goes out to the victims and their families, and I pray they get through the holidays. I can’t imagine what the victims’ families must be going through.
At breakfast Lea was clearly annoyed that Karent did not defend herself the night before. We all hoped that Karent would have defended her relationship to the other women. The truth is that it is Karent’s life not ours and it’s none of our business. We can only give her advice but cannot push her. If I were Karent I would have immediately investigated until I got to the bottom of it, but that’s me. I probably would have cursed everyone for making a mockery out of me.
I have to say I really saw a different side of Lea during our talk about my trouble having children. The storm quickly approaching trying to put a damper on our day was almost an unexpected benefit as it brought me and Lea together to have this moment. She really comforted me, her advice made a lot of sense, and she genuinely cared. I had a new found respect for her.
Anticipating a chic lunch spot, most of us decided to get all dolled unaware we were going to a simple conch stand. I decided I would be the designated driver and give the ladies a thrill ride. Sure, it was dangerous driving the golf carts the way I did but I was bored, LOL! Although it looked like a hole in the wall restaurant, it was one of the best dishes I’ve ever had. The women tried to get me to eat the conch pissel because it’s supposedly and aphrodisiac. The only pissel I will touch is my husbands, and he wasn't there anyway, so why would I need a passion potion?
Later that evening Karent received horrible news that her 81-year-old father wasn't doing well, but she couldn't get off the island right away due to the storm. Her problems really put the other nonsense in perspective. She understandably wasn't up to attending Ana’s dinner at the other house. Lea and Joanna though it would be good for her to pull herself together and join us in hopes she would feel better. I disagreed and was glad she stayed behind. It seems Karent can be a lot like me when she’s upset and just needs her space to gather her thoughts. There is no reason for her to be around any negative energy especially when she has to deal with her added stress.Ana's dinner was delicious and the drinks were so strong they literally knocked your socks off. The night started off pleasantly, but then the conversation at the dinner table turned into argument about Lisa Pliner, Elaine, Karent, Alexia’s husband, and then Lea and Marysol went at it! I could not keep up! Holy ADD! Someone throw these women an Adderall stat. At this point I tuned out, because like most, I wasn't following since I had not been there and quite frankly was over it. For this reason I suggested that there are bigger things to fight over and really hoped these two could just move on already. Finally they had an awkward hug moment so we could move on.
Thanks for reading all! See you on Thursday for the big finale! Xoxo
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