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Joanna's Bangin' New Look
Joanna gives us the 411 on her bangs and her new friend.
I was looking forward to Lea’s gala this year, since I knew it would be a super enjoyable evening with no evil around me…
Last year's gala is a night I would love to forget, and for that reason I opted this year to change up my look a bit and wear bangs.
In fashion shoots, photographers and editors have the obligation to create a different look from one job to the other, something I am so used to. There's a huge difference between being an established professional model and an amateur model… A successful model is like a chameleon that looks different for every shoot, so yes, I loved having bangs. I am blessed to belong to the fashion world.
Nonetheless, I applaud Lea for working so hard and putting her personal life aside so she can make a change in children’s lives. The video they played at the event said it all: with work, you can make a difference. While some stay home contemplating what new Louboutins to buy, others wake up early with a purpose and goal to make a difference. Those who not only work hard for themselves but also for others deserve the best and should be an inspiration to all of us. And the ones living like an oyster, well, let them be an oyster. LOL!
On a personal note, I would like to thank the many fans and friends that commented on my posts the last few weeks; I try to read them all, and I was quite pleased seeing so many positive and encouraging comments. I am far from perfect and I know it, we are all sinners. I don't believe any of us can reach perfection, but we can all try to be our best and as good as we can to others. I had my troubles, I recognize them, I drank and misbehaved, but then again, who didn't? So to those though commenters (not the delusional ones), thank you as well, I am humble enough to recognize when I am an ignorant, LOL!
If you never got drunk and fell on the floor, misbehaved, woke up being embarrassed, yelled, or kissed the wrong person, wore the wrong outfit, cursed too much, etc. you just don't know what you are missing. The important thing is to learn, not to pretend to be perfect; again, I am far from it... The lady that donated $10,000 on my behalf was Monica Heftler, whom I had the pleasure of becoming friends with since that night; what was astonishing is that she didn't bid on anything, she just decided to donate because she is a huge fan and has followed my career throughout the years and wanted to do something good on my behalf to thank me for my passion for animals and charities. God bless her!
Hope you are all enjoying this season; there is much more to come, and it will all reflect the sincerity and reality of mine and Romain’s lives, along with the usual drama with the girls.
Until next time! Don't forget to follow on Twitter and Instagram.