Buttons Get Pushed
How did it feel to flip that table? Find out from Teresa!
The finale, what can I say? More and more drama.
Congrats to Ashley for getting her car. I know she worked hard that summer. I'm happy for her.
Thank you to Dina and Caroline for my house warming gift, I loved it. I'm glad that Dina ended up love, love, loving the house.
At the last supper, I feel like I started out being very pleasant with Danielle and we were all having a good time, until Danielle had to come out and bring the drama as usual. It was completely inappropriate bringing the book to a family dinner. She could have called us individually to address the book. She had all of our phone numbers.
Besides what you saw on the show, there was a lot more going on behind the scenes that Danielle did that got me to the breaking point. When Danielle said she likes to push buttons sometimes it's not always good, because buttons get pushed right back at you. Or tables.
I never flipped a table in my life, but it felt pretty good...
I was a little taken back when Chris said that Danielle was welcome in their home, knowing that she has never been in their home when Chris was there, except for CJ's party and other rare occasions. Knowing Chris' kind heart, he only said that to keep the peace with everyone, because he knows that is what Jacqueline would want.
I love my husband for being so supportive. I think in some crazy way he was turned on seeing that feisty side of me. He is the best. LOL!
Thank you all again for visiting my website TG Fabulicious at www.teresagiudice.com. Love, love, love you guys!