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Baby Steps

Caroline talks about coping with empty nest syndrome, convincing Albert to retire, and more.

By Caroline Manzo


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Hey guys, it’s that time again, another week has passed and here we are, episode nine...

OK, let’s start with my sisters Fran and Cookie. We had so many laughs during that lunch, I’m hoping you all get to see a little more of them. Maybe they’ll reappear in a lost footage episode, your guess is as good as mine! I’m very fortunate to have my sisters so close. Over the years we’ve been each other’s truest friends and biggest cheerleaders. Make no mistake; we’ve had our fair share of battles too. They usually don’t last very long and are quickly forgotten. I can always count on them to be there when I need them, and to tell me the truth, whether I want to hear it or not. Included in this group is Jacqueline, as well as my other sister-in-laws. We are a force to be reckoned with, that’s for sure, and I sometimes think the boys are afraid of us!

Albie’s story will play out over the next few episodes, so I can’t really elaborate too much on our conversation. I would like to just say once again how proud I am of him and his decision to share his story with all of you. I know I’ve said it already, but I need to say it again, thank you for your support. We’ve literally received thousands of letters from all over the world of both encouragement and gratitude for giving inspiration to those facing similar challenges. Thank you for showing Albie that he is not a failure, and most importantly not alone. For that I will be eternally grateful.

Now let’s talk about my negotiating Albert’s retirement. Trust me, I know one thing for sure, that man will never retire. He just doesn’t have it in him. I’ve known this for years. I just thought I’d start big and work myself down to a compromise.

Albert has been working 16-hour days for nearly thirty years. I worry about him. Life is too short, and I think he deserves to stop and smell the roses for a bit. You can’t blame a girl for trying. I have to admit he’s getting better. I still haven’t gotten a Saturday night out of him, but every now and again he’ll come home early or go in a little later. Baby steps Caroline, baby steps. Rome wasn’t built in a day. So for now I’ll do as I’ve done for the past thirty years, go to him at The Brownstone. I call it "visitation." Not only do I visit Al, I visit Christopher too. It’s funny; when I don’t stop in I’ll get a phone call, "Babe, where are ya?" Gotta love him.


We also touched on my empty nest syndrome. Damn, you would think after all these years I’d be kicking these kids out the door! The truth is simply this, and I know many of you out there know exactly how I feel. I’ve dedicated 24 years of my life to being the best mother I knew how to be. I’ve had much heartache and many triumphs through it all. We raised our kids to be strong and independent. The crazy thing is, I feel like it was just yesterday that Al and I were taking them to kindergarten and they were crying as they clutched our legs. Where did the time go? It’s the strangest feeling. With one hand I’m pushing them out the door and telling them to take the world by storm, and with the other hand I’m saying please don’t go. I’m sure I’m not the first mother who's felt this way, and I certainly won’t be the last. Such is life.

I also have to mention how cute my hubby looked in his gray suit in the kitchen and the dinner scene. There really isn’t too much to talk about regarding the dinner conversation, I think I already touched on everything already. Just want to give him a handsome shout out. I do have a bone to pick though, why am I constantly chewing in the restaurant scene? I look like a cow! Note to production - please refrain from showing Caroline constantly chewing. Thank you.

Regarding the fashion show, I think I’ll just talk about one or two things for now and reserve comments until next week. Remember, I wasn’t there, so I don’t want to make any assumptions. You know what happens when you assume, right? You make an ASS out of U and Me, get it? Sorry, lame joke. First thing's first. The fashion show was on a Wednesday night, and yes, it’s the only day of the week that we are all together as a family and we generally try to spend it together. However, I don’t care what night of the week the show fell on, wild horses couldn’t have dragged me there. Like I said, it was a recipe for disaster. Looks like I was right. If you remember I told Jac and Teresa the best thing to do was nothing. You need to pick and choose your battles; this one had no point and was not worth fighting. I need to address one thing, Ashley is a lot of things, and she can be frustrating to say the very least. But one thing SHE IS NOT is a COKE WHORE. What an absolutely disgraceful thing to say.

I do have to admit that I was amused by the appearance of a new bodyguard, or should I say "Donny Brasco." Whatever happened to the Sweathogs reject? I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help myself, you just can’t make this stuff up, I swear.

The next episode looks to be quite the spectacle, though I can’t say that I’m looking forward to it. To be continued...

As always, thanks for watching, you guys are the best!


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