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Joe 'On Display'

Melissa is still mortified about Joe's full frontal scene.

By Melissa Gorga

Hi, everyone! Missed you guys last week! I can't believe we are almost done and the finale is next is week! It's been a long and crazy ride, and I hope you're starting to feel like you got to know me and our family a little bit better now. Joe and I have really loved getting to know you all and reading all of your comments, we listen to you guys, we take your advice, and we love you all!

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Tonight's show was packed with so many funny scenes and a lot of good memories! Punta Cana turned out to be such a blast! We really did have a great time there. The weather was beautiful every day, the water was warm, and the sun felt good! Joe and I usually go on one vacation together with no kids every year and then we go somewhere else the next time with the kids. It's the best way to enjoy some couple time. OK so maybe this time we brought a couple of cameras with us, but we just pretend they are not there! I know you're probably thinking what is up with Joe and all the nudity and sex talk! Can you believe he was naked on national TV? I can't! I have to still bring my child to school tomorrow and to dance and gymnastics. OMG, the moms and teachers are going to think we are nuts! 

Joe doesn't have a shy bone in his body. I was really in the shower minding my own business and he just decides to jump in. Honestly I had no idea the camera men were there yet, I jumped out of the shower and was like no way! Then Joe proceeds to walk out of the showers perfectly in line with camera lens. I wanted to die. I was in shock! Just goes to show you, the cameras are there all the time!


I really enjoyed spending time together with Teresa and Joe and Kathy and Rich, it was like old times. When we get along and don't discuss all the BS, everything is great! We all laugh at each other and we are a pretty crazy group! I really feel like this vacation was when I fell in love with the Manzos and Lauritas. I knew I liked them, but now I know I love them. They are incredible people and we all just work really well together. I never understood when people don't believe in the more the merrier! That's always been my motto, stop worrying about all the foolish nonsense and just enjoy each other and enjoy life. There is so much to be thankful for and so much to enjoy. I planned this vacation, and I do feel it was overall very successful. I'm happy we went!

The BLK launch party was so amazing! What a great night! We all had so much fun together. The Manzo boys did such a great job planning it and the water really is unbelievable. I want to thank Albie and Chris once again for asking me to perform that night. They are about to start this long journey with an incredible product, and I wish them all the success in the world. They worked hard for this. 

Well?! What did you think of my first performance? ON DISPLAY! ON DISPLAY! ON DISPLAY! I was so nervous at the dance rehearsals and the sound check. I couldn't even believe how nervous I was. I needed to get this first one under my belt so I didn't feel this way anymore! I knew this is something I wanted my whole life, but couldn't believe how terrified I was to actually do it. Did you see me shoveling food down my throat before I went on? You can clearly see how nervous I am when I was praying. I want you all to know that I am a very spirtiual person, and whenever I do anything in my life that I am grateful for, including my song, I thank God for all my opportunities. I really do wish my father could have been there with his video camera to tape it. I am really proud of On Display. It was my first song and it is my baby. 

I want to give you a little background on why I wrote that song. It's not because I'm on a reality TV show, actually I wrote the song before the cameras were ever rolling. I wrote On Display because I wanted people to be able to relate to it. I feel like everyone is 'On Display' at some point in their day-to-day life. When you start a new job, when you marry into a new family, when you go to a new school, if and when you have to tell your loved ones that you're gay -- you are 'On Display' each and every time. Many times I have found myself in these situations. I know how it feels, and I know that there are people out there that want to see you fall and don't want you to make it, but this song is about empowerment and believing in yourself! They can just keep on waiting on you, waiting on you, waiting on you! I can't wait for you to hear the other songs that I have written and recorded, especially the ballad to my husband. My voice is getting stronger and stronger and I am learning how to use it better than ever. I think you're really going to love what's to come! 

It felt so amazing on the stage that night. The moment I got out there all my nerves went away and I loved every minute of it! And yes, I did sing live over the track. This is a dance song with heavy choreography, and that is what most artists do. I have to admit hearing Joe Giudice finally say something nice was a little bit of a shock, but it was real, and I appreciate him saying it. It does take a lot of courage to put yourself out there in front of all of those people, especially for the first time. Thank you so much to everyone who has been so positive with me and sticking through until the end, I can't explain how much I really do love you guys! Of course I have to thank the one person who is my constant support -- my husband, Joe. He is my rock and has been with me every step of the way. I feel so blessed to have him in my life. He's such an amazing father, and we have so much fun together. Without him none of this would have been possible.

Click HERE for the link to On Display on iTunes. The Arkatone remix is my favorite! Enjoy!

Finally, I know there have been a lot of rumors this week in the press. Rumors that make me sick to my stomach. As we are filming Season 4 and I can't give too much away, I tried to clear some of them up in my latest blog post on my website at You will see what really went down in Season 4, so you can decide for yourselves, but I needed to set the record straight, because I can't stand when people lie. I appreciate all of your emails and tweets. Your support means the world to me and my family!

I hope everyone has a magnifico giornata!



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