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Caroline Says Relax

Caroline is proud of Albie's work ethic, but thinks he needs to find time for fun.

By Caroline Manzo

Hey guys! Sorry I'm late with my blog, but better late than never! Always have to look on the bright side.
I'm glad that Jacqueline accepted Teresa's invitation to meet and discuss open ended issues between the two of them. I don't care how many times I've heard that it was over and put in the past from each of them, I never believed a word they said. Now, some may wonder why I would ask for such a meeting when the animosity between the two is at a level 10. That's exactly why! Look and listen and watch as they speak about one and other -- it's hurt masked in anger and resentment. The level 10 is based on hurt, not anger. I believe they both needed to have an honest conversation, and if nothing else, get true closure. I didn't think they would come out of the meeting as best friends, but I would like to think that they could come to terms with their feelings and at least be civil towards one and other, nothing more. Mission accomplished... I think.

Teresa Calls Out Jacqueline
It was nice to see the kids playing together at the Gorga/Giudice dinner. Kids have a way of showing adults just how dumb we are sometimes! Their actions through their innocence can sometimes send such a powerful message about what's important in life. It was a nice scene, I vote for more.
The Gorga-Giudice Dinner

Albie makes me so sad sometimes. I hated to hear him say he wasn't ready to be happy. He's such a serious kid, or man, I should say... I understand and agree that my children have a strong work ethic, and believe me, that's something that Al and I instilled in the three of them from a very young age. However, a balance of work and play is very important for the mind. Albie is incapable of creating the balance. My husband Albert is the same way and he can't see my point, therefore, we do disagree from time to time when it comes to the kids. Do me a favor, relax and don't read too much into his attitude at the dinner table. Albert and I have been together for over 32 years and have had our fair share of ups, downs, and everything in between. There is no divorce hiding in the shadows or discontent with each other. It's a simple disagreement between two people that have been together for nearly a lifetime. End of story.When I stopped by Albie's apartment to talk to him, he mentioned that he was worried about me and Al. Again, relax! I remember when Albie was younger, we would go into the city every now and again without Al for lunch, etc. This kid would actually hold my hand and look after me as if I was the child and he was the adult. All three of my kids are fiercely protective over me, and I love them for it. However, there's a difference of being protective and living your life in fear of a "maybe."
A Mother's Role

I've told Albie more times than I can count that God forbid his father predeceases me, there's nothing he or anyone else can do for me. Al and I have always lived within our means, saved, and invested carefully. We have life insurance policies in place for each of us and a home that is nearly paid for. The bottom line is this -- I will be a very wealthy woman with a shattered heart. Money can't fix that. Having my children around me healthy and happy is what I will need then. Everything else has been carefully thought out and prepared for. Ugh, I hate this discussion, let's end it. Rosie in the club! Rosie in the club!!! I love Rosie, and I want her to find love and be happy because she so deserves it. What a good heart she has, and that needs to be shared with someone special. How fantastic was it to watch her do her thing? I loved that she didn't change who she was at all. Rosie was Rosie through and through, and it looks like she may have made a love connection! Let's see what happens. Good luck, Rosie, love you!
Rosie is Not DTF!

I'm all blogged out, talk to you next week. And as always, thank you so much for watching, I appreciate each and every one of you. xoxoxo

P.S. Don't forget to listen to our Manzo family weekly podcast on iTunes! "Let Me Tell You Something" is free and fun!

Follow us all on Twitter @carolinemanzo, @albiemanzo, @laurenmanzo, @chris_manzo, @cafface, @littletownnj, @blkbeverages, @thebrownstonenj.

Last but not least, big hugs to those who bought my book Let Me Tell You Something, it means the world to me! Xoxo

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