Kathy Speaks Her Mind
Kathy shares her thoughts on equine therapy and Rosie's intervention on her behalf.
Hello friends!
Labor Day weekend is usually the final celebration of summer. Normally a bummer, but not in the Wakile house! We played in our back yard, our favorite place, with friends and family. We had the best time, because we were surrounded with people who know and love us unconditionally -- it was awesome and the feeling will last several months at least! Just wanted to say thank you for watching our show as it continues into this season's final episodes and thank you all so much for your support!
Heading into this week's show, the journey to find balance continues. How do you think we're doing so far? Some of us were really receptive to finding more about ourselves and some not so much (as usual).
This journey of self discovery also included learning about one another. As my favorite cowboy, Wyatt Webb, helps us figure out, these exercises are not only about us as a group but each other as well, and understanding one another is the best way to sustain healthy, long-term relationships. To be there and experience each other's vulnerable side; what makes you weak, what are your fears, what makes you feel triumphant. These were group exercises to help our family and circle of friends heal our hurts and mend our relationships. As you'll see, the effin horse proved to be smarter than all of us! He was smart enough to feel each of our energies and call B.S. on those that were not being authentic and were still holding back...letting your guard down is the first step of making progress.
Rosie's experience was breaking my heart, and I just wanted to get up and hug her pain away. It was nice to see Chris, Jacqueline, Al, and then Caroline show their vulnerable sides, which the horse validated. Heck, even Joe Giudice got his guard down after a bit, and the horse heard. See, being real, honest, and true is something that is noticed more than anyone thinks!
Anyway, during the session with Wyatt, I was able to be calm and strong; the horse acknowledged it and felt that it was no problem for me, and that is the same way I am with anything life has to throw my way. At the drum ceremony Rosie once again feels like she has to come to my defense. Of course I appreciate it, but she doesn't realize that I let a lot of stuff go because I really don't care for conflict, especially when it is not really a big deal in the big picture. Normally I might talk to Richie about it, but really I barely give those types of things a second thought. However, if someone brings it up -- like in this case -- I would say something about it. The bottom line is a rule of thumb I live by: do unto others as you want them to do unto you. One caveat though, you can't express your feelings to people who don't have the capacity to understand. Or don't really care to understand.
So, after Rosie brought it up, I figured I needed to speak my mind and was glad that it was acknowledged by some. Others who missed it, like they did the horse...well...the universe has a funny way of keeping things in balance, and if you don't see the signs or really listen when people are trying to help, then growth and change can never happen, and that is a real shame. Being open to learn more is what it is all about...even the Bradys in every episode come together as one! See you next week as you see us climb to new heights on our quest for personal growth.
Keep it sweet,
Xoxo Kathy
To find out about other appearances and what I’m involved in, go to www.KathyWakile.com.
Also, you can keep up with what's happening with me on my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter @kathywakile, @richardwakile, @victoriawakile, @josephwakile.