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You Learn Something From Everyone

Girls night out, networking and Jason the shy guy.

By Bethenny Frankel


How to Watch

Watch the Season 15 premiere of The Real Housewives of New York City on October 1st at 9/8c on Bravo and stream next day on Peacock.

You seemed a bit relieved this week when LuAnn and Alex hit it off so quickly at the girls night out. How was the outing overall? Any thoughts on the dynamic of having everyone all at one table?

Truthfully, I used to be the kind of person who felt responsible for everyone around me and uncomfortable when people weren't bonding. As I've matured, I've mellowed and cared much less about things like that.

I'm really an insular person socially and have very few very good friends, so I'm not one who feels the need to be best friends with everyone. It was a nice, fun afternoon, and it was fun to observe. I thought it was very secure of Luann to share her lice situation with everyone. I'm sure it's happened to every parent at one point.

What exactly is Unexpected Mexico? Any specific networking wins happen for you at the party?

Unexpected Mexico is one of many culinary events throughout the year. Every time I leave the house it's a networking opportunity. It could be at the shoe repair store, the deli or the most glamorous party in the world. You learn something from everyone, and everyone in the world is connected somehow.


Any thoughts on your big dinner with Jason you'd like to share? It really wasn't a massive, dramatic dinner. My life is a struggle between the importance of building BethennyBakes and balancing that with the knowledge of my age and somewhat narrowing of options. That was why that conversation was so emphasized. Jason is very private and has no interest in ever discussing anything personal on camera or in front of others much less millions. However, I don't mind sharing that moment in time because I'm sure many women may relate to it whether directly or indirectly.

Do you have any "Green" tips for Earth Week?

I want to share with people my feeling on organic eating. Everyone is feeling the pressure to be on an organic diet. It can be overwhelming and expensive. Here is my advice: when foods have thick skins such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, etc., they are less susceptible to pesticides than foods like strawberries, grapes, spinach, and broccoli. Your common sense will help you a lot. So if you have to choice, buy those types of foods organic. In addition, dairy and meats are much better when organic because of all the antibiotics and hormones used in meat production. Don't be overwhelmed and make small healthy steps. It is a marathon not a sprint.

And anything else you'd like to add!

I'm happy to announce that I've just received a multi-book deal with Simon and Schuster to publish my book Naturally Thin, which will be released next March. Ideally, in season 2, I will take viewers through the production process of my book, and hopefully show everyone that anyone can produce a book with a great idea and the drive. I have never seen the production of a book on television and I've heard it hasn't been done. That will be great because when the show airs, the book will be on sale.

Also, please go to, go to my contact page and join my mailing list for great recipes, healthy tips, updates and to stay in the loop.


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