OC vs. NY Fashion
OC Housewife Jeana Keough weighs in on this week's episode.
I loved this week's episode. It was all about fashion! I am so jealous, when I want a fabulous dress I have call NY fashion stylist Ray Oliverira and he sends me dresses. I would love to be able to just walk into a designer’s show room and try them on. Glitter Girls in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA owner Sabrina always comes through with a Project Runway designer dress for me also. So I get boxes on my porch and they get to go to showrooms, have lunch and be spoiled! I love New York! We are style conscious in the OC but NY has many more layers of clothes they get to wear! Sweaters and jackets - we rarely get to wear them here!
I had a great time at the Cox Community Golf tournament to benefit wounded Marines at the Coto Golf and Racquet Club. All the girls joined me and we raised $75,000! Sitting at a fashion show is a luxury that I can’t afford. I have a daughter in college, and all the expenses of Shane and Kara living away from home. My shopping budget is zero. My time is spent between my son’s baseball games, work and my charity obligations. Shane got to play on the major league Oakland A’s game this last week and got a triple off a major league player - he was stoked!
Jill Zarin and Bobby invited Vicki and I to a very fun dinner at the Montage Hotel when they were in California. She is a charming hostess and we got to see some upcoming episodes in their suite while drinking champagne! I missed Bethenny when she was in town promoting her book Naturally Thin. I was hoping to get to Santa Monica, but just ran out of time.
I am looking forward to the A-list Awards and seeing all the other housewives from Atlanta and New York. It should be a fun weekend with all the Bravo TV shows represented. I am taking my Duzoxin for appetite control, and now I am also drinking AS10 made by Amerisciences. It is NASA tested and is really giving me an extra lift. I am going to start making both of these available on my website. The 2 shots in the AM and PM have really boosted my overall energy level.