Camera Shy
LuAnn questions whether or not Kelly fits into the group.
Russell's show was fun for Noel and I. We had a great time together and he liked a lot of the collection. We stayed far away from Ramona and Simon. We were there to enjoy the show.
I think Simon tries too hard and Ramona loves that he's trying.
I don't see what the big deal is to lend your name to a charity, esspecially one that touches Jill's heart like Creaky Joints. If you want to help or be someone's friend, I think it's the least you can do. I think the delivery of that news could of been handled better.
I think its obvious that Kelly and Bethenny have very little in common. I don't think Bethenny is trying to compete. I think she just doesn't like her and she's being very honest about that on camera. Bethenny and I may have our differences of opinion, but in the end we are friends.
Kelly is camera shy which surprises me, as she has TV experience. On a one-on-one basis, when she feels comfortable, Kelly is fun to be with. I don't think she really fits into the group or really cares about fitting in.