LuAnn de Lesseps offers Bethenny more dating advice!
It was very hard to have Victoria go off to school, but having her home every weekend made it easier to cope. She chose the school and was really excited about it. As parents we were very proud of her decision. She likes NY, but is happier at school in the country with her horse.
We love our dog Aston and are devoted to giving him our undivided attention. As you can see from this week's episode, we haven't had much luck with our other pets.
I was really surprised to hear that Alex and Simon are working on a book on parenting. They are loving parents and they make a great couple, but their kids are out of control.
Noel is very good about setting his alarm and getting up for school in the morning. I'm up at that time with him usually heading off to the gym after he leaves. Rosie prepares the table and we eat breakfast together.
I think men like women that are soft and not too aggressive. I suggested that Bethenny let the man talk more about himself and told her to ask him questions. Although I love Bethany's quick wit and think she is very funny, she's a powerhouse and that can be scary. I think there is something to be said for being elusive and mysterious and not talking too much about yourself or your business.