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Under Attack

It was hard for Ramona to stay calm at the reunion. She explains why!

By Ramona Singer

What an intense day! At the reunion I really felt like I was being attacked. It was so heated. I sat on a couch across from Jill, Bethenny, and LuAnn, and they ganged up on me. I was just being myself and they were attacking me. I always tell it like it is, and I never try to be someone I'm not. I am who I am. I never purposefully try to hurt anyone else. But it's extremely hard to stay calm when you're being attacked.

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I was very offended when LuAnn made a comment about my "crazy eyes." I'm very expressive and I wear contacts because of a vision problem. I have dry eyes, and it's a medical condition that I cannot control. It was incredibly catty of her to make fun of my appearance. It's one thing to disagree with me, but it's quite another to start name-calling. I didn't want to stoop down to her level, but I was being attacked, and I just lost it.

So how do I really feel about my castmates? I like Bethenny. I don't think she makes great choices when it comes to dating. She's single at 37 for a reason, and it's because she doesn’t date for marriage. I never enjoyed filming with Kelly. I'd film with Alex and Simon before I'd film with Kelly.

The only other thing I was to address is Bethenny's blog. She recently wrote a blog about me that was nasty. I guess she still has not gotten over my blog where I give my opinion of her dating behavior, her business criticism, and her relationship with Jill. I always shoot straight from the hip - no lies, no puns. I'm not spouting sarcastic one-liners the way Bethenny does. My dress did not look like a Christmas tree, hers did. HER dress was GREEN, not mine! Is she color blind? I am never two faced, only 8 weeks ago I wore the same dress when I was interviewed with Bethenny and she was going on and on about how gorgeous my dress was. David Meister designed it and many celebrities wear his dresses in Hollywood for red carpet events, which is how I discovered him. Enough said.

Any way please tune in for my next show on HSN live June 3rd an 9PM and on their website under Ramona Singer. The earrings and ring I wore on the reunion show I designed and will be featured. They are of a special cut that has been patented. Thanks for my five star rating!

The response to my skincare line has been overwhelming, so much so we are moving to a larger facility. Go to to order and get more information. And of course for the fabulous sunburst piece and diamond by the inch chains go to


It has been a hoot of a season, and I have recently been approached to do a BOOK. Wow, this show has really gotten my creative juices flowing! You know whatever I write will be straight on, the way I am.

To close, I wanted to share some of my favorite comments from fans this season. A big thanks to all the fans for your kind words and support!

"Ramona! I'm a 23 year old woman living in NYC and working towards a PhD in Philosophy and Media Studies. I consider myself more fashionable and pop-culture oriented than my peers, and wanted to say how much I admire and respect you. You are my favorite housewife and I mean that in more than the way one might name their favorite color or designer or whatever. You are the only one on the show I think shows a consistent and admirable view on life, manners and motherhood, and I think you are an excellent role model for young women. Your daughter is so lucky and, I suspect, awesome to those who know her well. Best to both of you as well as your husband. Never let the other girls get you down! (Not that I've ever seen it!) They've got nothin' on the Singers!"

"I just wanted to commend you for always speaking your mind on the show; you always say exactly what the audience is thinking! Don't let anyone make you feel bad for being honest. The truth hurts, that's not your fault!"

"Ramona you can hold your own against anyone...I believe that all of the other housewives are jealous of you because you are the only one who has truly worked very hard for what you have. You didn't marry for money you made your own and none of them can say they have actually done anything on their own. Also your fiery personality will send them over the edge, because you speak your mind and could actually careless about what others say about you. What you see is what you get with Ramona Singer. Ramona you really should be a spokes person, advocate etc for women of all ages who have experience abuse. I think you could really be an inspiration to them because of your experience growing up with abuse. Keep being you Ramona and all the best in your future ventures. Kind Regards"

I am sorry the redecorating of Avery's room never made the show, but please go to Facebook under Ramona Singer fan page and you will see photos of what she created. I am so proud of her, and today I will be celebrating her fourteenth birthday with eighteen of her friends. Avery is my best accomplishment in life by far, and she continues to amaze me with her warmth, sensitivity, and kindness......she is also smarter than a whip and so athletic, yet feminine. I am truly blessed. But I do believe you get what you put in and I have always given my daughter 200%.

Love to everyone and please know that I truly enjoyed doing the show... except the reunion. You can read more of my thoughts on the reunion in my interview on!


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