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Pick a Little, Talk a Little

Where does's Associate Editor land in the "pecking order"? She ponders such questions and the episode's other highlights.

Hello my little Bravo birds. What's clucking?

How to Watch

Watch the Season 15 premiere of The Real Housewives of New York City on October 1st at 9/8c on Bravo and stream next day on Peacock.

What a tangled nest we weave/build? It 'twas a week of tete-a-tetes. Everyone was trying to air their grievances this week -- though it didn't always work out (did you see Ramona's dine and dash?). And like Jill's tiny, clip-on koala, sometimes the ladies came back together, but sometimes like Sonja's toaster oven sole, the friendships shriveled up to a smaller size.

The Queens of Hearts and Also Toaster Ovens

You know who's good at baseball? Sonja Morgan! She might not be the greatest hitter, or a fastest runner, but she can throw a pitch while wearing an amazingly short skirt and picking up Mr. January. If this was the World Series of Love Sonja would take the pennant (baseball terms!).

But not only is she a star athlete flirt, she's a master chef. Finally we see Sonja making a toaster oven meal worthy of The Countess. And she went all in, cooking up some delicious sole meuniere. I adore her ability to be the Julia Child of toaster ovens, but even more I adored LuAnn's constant questioning of her order of operations. Are you going to cut the tips off of that asparagus or what Sonja?

Staten Island-inspired Jewelry

The Countess also had some questions about Ramona's business ventures. While Ramo has branched out from her True lines into the world of wine, LuAnn's not so sure she's done her homework -- mainly because she struggles a bit with pronouncing the region her pinot hails from. Ramona herself admits that it took her two months to learn just how it all worked, which I can understand as someone who took 2 years of college Italian. It's no breeze.

Also not the Countess' fav, Ramona's jewelry line. But I think anyone that's seen the major statement necklaces she rocks would know she's not a fan of the delicate pieces Ramona was showcasing. Watching her reactions to Ramona's jewelry was perhaps the highlight of my week. New life goal: take the Countess shopping with me and only hold up the most atrocious clothes I can find, then watch her face as she tries to feign adoration for the monstrosities.

A Piano Plays in Brooklyn

If there's a moment at the McCord/Van Kempen grotto, it's always a winner in my book. And this little interlude did not disappoint, bringing the glamor I would expect of their well-designed home. What did you get for your birthday last year? Was it a brand new piano and an accomplished pianist going to town on it? I didn't think so. I got a card and some socks (I needed those socks, though). Francois wasn't as impressed with Alex and Simon's gift -- most likely because he wasn't allowed to touch it. I hope he used that piano to soundtrack the Alex/Jill reunion with a few meaningful songs. Perhaps that Timbaland/One Republic jam?

The Bronx Grudge Is Burning

I know I just used that trick week before last, but this episode has an actual fire so it makes the link applicable. If Jill Zarin is hoofing it to Brooklyn you know it's going to end in arson, good or bad. Thankfully this time was good, as she and Alex not just buried the hatchet, but burned -- or rather it smoldered -- it. Pre-blaze, there was a bit of trouble. Jill had a hard time complimenting Alex without also insulting her, which is fair because she was very nervous. Would Alex lapse back into her messenger persona? And for a moment Alex seemed completely anti-Jill. I fretted that the whole luncheon would be a bust -- excepting the delicious chicken and rice Alex whipped up, that looked banging. But then the ladies broke-through! Peace had washed over the valley! And they cemented it with a Kelly Killoren Bensimon-forgiveness-original: the pen to paper airing of grievances. Though on Scary Island, Kelly never mentioned burning it. As the embers smoldered on that tiny grill, the beef was squashed. . .for now at least.

Manhattan Major Moment

There was a minor moment  in this week's episode that really stole my heart: the reemergence of Ginger (and Jill, too!) in Central Park. It was such a New York thing that the gals would run into each other in the park, and seeing Ginger roaming free just warmed my little soul. Man can that nugget run.

But there was another moment that Jill was a part of that won the honor of tops, tops, tops!

Sonja's Ramona impression! We always knew Ms. Morgan had a flair for the dramatic, but she really outdid herself this time. She had Ramona down to a tee. Close your eyes and tell me you don't belive it.

Jill's Ramona was also pretty impressive. It's great to have Lady Zarin back. And next week she and Ramona go head-to-head. I'm nervous and more than a little excited.

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