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Enough About Me

Sonja shares the truth about the marriage march, her fight with Alex, and her portrait.

By Sonja Morgan

Oh my! I'm watching Episode 2 and my palms are sweating! Where you hardly saw me first episode there is too much of me in this episode! I'm sick of myself already and the season just began!

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Alex and Simon were so keyed up on this single charity event out of so many that we all support in so many different ways. Sometimes you speak. Sometimes you send cash, food, clothes, toys. Sometimes you just lend your name, or your mailing list. Sometimes you go to a charity to show support for the host, and, of course, the charity is always No. 1. This goes without saying.

Let's be honest, my dear friend Alex has had her knickers in a twist about this charity event since Ramona's rooftop party, then at the wedding in Southampton, then when we are getting ready together at my home. She's acting like the head of the organization! I finally had to say, "Now it's about me." When the girls were zipping my dress, doing my hair, and giving me pep talks and she was like a broken record with the same advertisement. I was a nervous wreck. I wanted to make a speech that made MENY, the marchers, and all who showed up for the cause feel inspired.

Marriage Equality of NY did not cancel Simon after booking him to speak. I would never muscle someone out, and push my way in. Not my style. He was NOT speaking when MENY first asked me to speak in the spring, and they made that clear to me when I asked who I would be slated to speak with and who my company was. They told me that I would be the only one from our show. MENY had let me know that Alex planned on marching and that Jill would be on the printed materials. They had said they would be happy if I marched, but it was not necessary.

I was skeptical when first asked and before accepting this honorable assignment. To get up in front of all these passionate people I wanted to be sure, and they assured me they especially wanted me and for so many reasons.

I had also said to MENY that I was not a politician, or an expert on the equal marriage laws, as some of the other speakers clearly were, but a deep hearted supporter of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender) rights, Jeffrey Fashion Cares, GLAAD, and NOH8, and that I would want this to be purely from me and from my heart, not a SPECTACLE. They made it clear they wanted my honest, light hearted, and bubbly nature to kick off the parade and would appreciate me making a few statements before. I was touched, honored, felt special so I accepted the responsibility.

This was all way before knowing I would then invite my co-stars over to help me prepare and to join in on the cause and the FUN! I had decided this would be a wonderful way to highlight the issue of Marriage Equality in NY, especially because the bill still hadn't been passed in NY.

I really am a team player and when I heard Alex wanted us to wear white, I went along and encouraged the other gals. I even had dresses ready at the house from REVE boutique in Englewood, NJ so we could be in unity in this way.

BTW, my note cards for my speech mysteriously disappeared from my dresser, so when I went to review them just before, they were not in my bag!!! Just to add to the tension. That is why you see Kelly trying to help me get my speech together minutes before I go on! Then Jill arrives to do the same and she gets blasted by Alex as well!

It really was my day, in the fact, I felt honored, had something to say from my heart personally, and I didn't want to let anyone down!

Now for the Gucci event. . .when you walk into an event with Kelly, wow! One gets so much attention with a super model. Ramona is hilarious how she reacts to Kelly possibly sitting at her table, only to find out she isn't staying. I was shocked Kelly said there was such an age difference because I never really thought of that. Did you think Ramona was so old compare to Kelly?

This episode is way too much of ME. I feel like I'm under the microscope. Anyhoooo...the art party. I had friends from all over the world in town, I forget what else was going on, but they were all there. Also Brian's established collectors were there to support him as well, so it was an exciting night.

Ty Kupping of Tyger Productions did a fab job, and we are just about to speak with Brian about his artwork being showcased, and this anonymous woman comes screaming in. So weird! This was in front of the obvious cameras, ruining Brian's on camera moment before the rest of the housewives arrive. 

Speaking of housewives arriving before Brian gets his moment: this is when Alex enters. I thought I was breaking the ice by saying I adore you but your husband made me nervous, and Alex got even more upset! Whoops. Not the right thing to say to Alex. So I had to spill the whole story. Ugh. I really don't like seeing myself acting defensive like this, but I have never had a friend, and especially her husband, act so aggressive. I don't think it will happen again. So rest easy, and chalk it up to a glitch. Alex is a friend, and always will be. BTW it was 90 degrees out that evening and so humid, could you tell? Very sticky.

Now. . .the painting from Brian! I don't know why he said he hated painting me. He loved painting that other girl, and made her look gorgeous. Maybe he never wanted to paint me? But he had promised for years to paint me. I'm a big supporter of his, and believe in his talent like no other, so he had to make good on it? I guess I forced his hand? What do you think?

Whatever it is, I just want everyone to enjoy and appreciate Brian's art because he is a special person with a great talent that should be seen. That's why I let them trash my home bringing in and out the art in half a day! I think its time for Brian to show in a Gallery. Don't you? Lastly, on a fashion note, everyone is asking through my website, and YouTube what I am wearing.

The bow blouse at the art party is DnG, and the bow blouse at the Peter Tunny art show is Ralph Lauren. I get my headbands at Henri Bendel on sale in the summer. Shoes YSL! I do my own hair, I thought it was apparent! LOL!

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