Making Peace
Sonja addresses she and Alex's reconciliation, dating, and Ramona's softer side.
It's amazing LuAnn found love so soon after divorce. It's also amazing that her and Kelly's divorces are over and final -- that in itself is wonderful! Many times divorce itself can be so messy that it's hard to give of yourself to a new man for a fully committed relationship -- especially if you find yourself a single mother on top of it. I'm so happy for LuAnn and Jacques, their love is doing great things for everyone, including her family.
LuAnn is really making headway and getting to know Kelly. I also want to get to know Kelly better, as you will see in future episodes. I felt so bad for her on Scary Island and never want to see that again. I was thinking that maybe all the negative thinking before she left made it happen? I was trying to stay positive because I promised Kelly I wouldn't let anything happen and that she and I would have good time. I want to keep that promise and make things good between her and all the girls. I like to be the peacekeeper. I love LOVE!
I can't believe they didn't show the front of the restaurant, La Carravagio. It's one of my favorites in NYC. The art on the back wall and throughout the restaurant is by Donald Baechler. He is an acclaimed artist and has consistently donated his art for auction to ACRIA (AIDS Community Research Initiative of America). One of the reasons I support ACRIA is because artists like Donald, Ross Bleckner, Brian Farrel, and designer Donna Karan are making a real difference in the fight against AIDS with this organization.
I'm glad Alex and I have a strong enough friendship and respect for each other to meet and agree to move on. Our friendship is more important than one heated moment. I agree with her that she and I will never completely understand or be able to talk about how it really happened or how it came that she was added to the online speaking roster long after I was involved, or why Simon wasn't allowed to invite himself to speak.
When they asked me to kick off the MENY March they made it a point to mention Alex was only marching and Jill was on the "materials," so I made it clear that at the time I wan't sure if I was returning for another season of RHONY. I'm sorry I confused the viewers on Watch What Happens Live.
It was a March for Marriage Equality, not RHONY costar equality. Everyone is fighting to be the teacher's pet today. If MENY wanted Simon or any of the other six housewives or their significant others to speak they would have. And I promise you, all would had gladly jumped to support the cause and spoke.
MENY made it clear I didn't have to march to make them happy. But I joined Alex in marching because she asked me to, and I did so with great spirit. I also encouraged the rest of girls by arranging for beautiful dresses from Reve Boutique of NJ and hosting everyone at my home to make it fun while they were supporting me. I was a nervous wreck.
I just wish you had seen more of the actual march and the fun we had with our fellow marchers while learning more about the issue. Jill was a hoot, and LuAnn was listening to everyone. Alex was in all her glory. Kelly had a ball, and I loved her sneakers and Claude Montana vintage gown! I was just happy everyone went back to Alex's house afterwards. Simon's speech was heard by millions of RHONY fans, which is much more than it would have reached that day in the square. That part I am happy about.
Also my speech notes went mysteriously missing last minute, and Jill and Kelly were frantically helping me to remember my whole speech just before I had to get up. They were so sweet and nervous for me. I did say New York state missed the memo on Marriage Equality, but it was just a matter of time for the bill to be passed like in Connecticut and other states, and that New York was losing good people and their patronage to Connecticut next door. I still say love is equal, and marriage should be equal.
That's right Kelly, Cindy is a friend of Ramona. That's how we met her! Kel, it's OK to not attend everyone's charity event, especially if you don't feel comfortable. You don't need to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation again. There are so many events we can support each other at when the time is right. I guess you are just worried how Ramona will react. Whoops! I spoke too soon! There is the Ramotional reaction! Ramona is hurt and lashing out in her controlling fashion. I need to get these two together. They are both nice people deep down, and this is clearly a misunderstanding of personality. I want everyone to get along because we have so much to share with each other!
Ramona looks amazing in that David Meister dress, and David looks hot too! I really wanted Ramona to do well, and I think my advice that she squint is the answer to combat the wide eyes from last runway show.
LuAnn and Jacques Wine Connection was such great event, and I am so grateful that they invited me. I had such a pleasant time, and their friends were charming. I also have to say, the wine was delicious and a cut above. I used to buy the wines for some of my restaurant clients, so I fancy myself as a good judge. I've done a lot of wine tastings!
Oh! In flattering one man I insulted all the Tauruses of the world. I should tell, my best friend in Paris is a Taurus. She is one of my daughter's godparents. So I do love some Tauruses! I am just an incorrigible flirt!
Drunk text? Kelly has no idea that Ramona doesn't know the meaning of spell check on her phone. She types so fast and does five things at once, plus her phone is ancient and at times fires mid-sentence. I know because I've seen her do it and have received such messages.
Kelly looks so good in her vest and jeans, if there had been eligible man on the island, he would have asked her out -- if he had the nerve. Supermodels can be intimidating.
It's not Simon's fault he got cold weather! He probably thought Governors Island was a novel destination, a nice change, and fun for the kids -- especially with the ferry. I'm sorry the weather turned on them.
David Meister is flipping out because it's his name on the collection. Artists are always passionate like that. His dresses are off the charts gorgeous! Ramona looks so good and I love the sexy squint on her. I really enjoyed myself with LuAnn and was happy we could support Ramona together. Ramona is a great sport to get back on the horse after what happened at her first infamous runway show. Thank you David Meister, even if you only dress Ramona exclusively. LOL. I get it! LuAnn wore him the year before, so hopefully I will get my chance. Thanks David for lending me the red dress for the evening in support of Ramona.
You see? Ramona is a softy! She gets a little attention from Jill, and it means so much. She just wants to be loved.
LuAnn is with her kids on the weekends so she misses a lot of our charity events in the city, and I miss some of hers when she has events during the week and I am with my daughter. I just barely made it in time for the Wine Connection after my daughter's school concert.
I was so proud of Ramona for being honored, and I was happy to be a part of it. I have watched her accomplishments over the past couple decades and know how hard she has worked to be where she is today. I remember us paying off our school loans, dating, buying our first cars, buying our first apartments, seeing parts of the world for the first time, starting our first companies, step by step. Ramona has always supported women making a difference in the work force and being able to take care of themselves and their loved ones.
Alex's hair made such fun for us that night, and I thought she looked great. She and I had a blast that night and her modeling has put rocket fuel into our lives!
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Until then!