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Life Happens
Ramona explains why she missed Aviva's event and mourns the loss of a fan.
What an episode! I definitely laughed and cried! The scene with Jake getting his running legs was the most moving scene of the season. To see such happiness on his face and eagerness to learn and use his new legs was so touching. What an incredible and inspiring boy.
Aviva has been very supportive of me, holding her own against LuAnn and Heather. I truly wanted to support her cause, by not just a donation but by physically being there. This event was so important to her and I truly regret not being there. I was dressed and ready to go right after my doctor appointment. I had a terrible reaction, which prevented me from going, but my lesson was learned. I should not schedule appointments on the same day as important events because you never know what can happen. Live and learn.
I was surprised by Aviva's reaction to Sonja's situation. We have never seen Aviva act like this up until this point. It was pretty shocking. Sonja has had Millou for 18 years! Millou was her first child.
For all of you pet owners, I'm sure this is something you can understand. Our pets become our family. An integral part of our family! They are our children and deeply loved. Naturally, Sonja would not allow someone else to bring her very sick pup to the vet. She wanted to be there because she was so concerned. Aviva did not seem to understand this connection and how tough it was on Sonja to see Millou so sick. Sonja was not dismissing Aviva's event. She was sorry she could not make it but life happens. Unfortunately, Millou passed away in March. He is missed.
On a lighter note, who knew I would have so much fun shopping with LuAnn!?! When she compared bikini shopping to masturbating in private, I was roaring inside! So funny! Life is short and sometimes it is just time to let the past be the past. That was the first time in forever that LuAnn and I were able to hang out, have fun. and laugh together. I was really looking forward to going to St. Barth's with her!
Speaking of letting the past be the past, the tension between Heather and I is growing tiresome. I didn't react well at the party. I definitely pulled a hit and run but I had gotten to a point with Heather where enough was enough. I didn't want to deal with it anymore. I think Heather double-talks. She says one thing and then five minutes later changes it. "Ramona's crazy." "No, I said Ramona's acting crazy." Just say what you mean and stick with it. I can't keep up with her when she changes what she says and contradicts herself. I hope this whole situation between us will pass and we will get to a better place like LuAnn and I. Perhaps, in St. Barths and in calming, relaxed atmosphere this shift would occur.
In closing, I wanted to touch on the sudden and tragic passing of Lynn Hudson. Lynn had come from very little and was able to develop a name for herself by writing a popular television blog. While sometimes controversial, Lynn worked hard and was filled with passion. I was fortunate enough to meet Lynn and was always quite charmed by her. She was a hardworking writer, dedicated mother and passionate Housewives fan. RIP Lynn.
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