Bershan Shaw Responds to Ramona Singer's Comment on Her Eyelashes
The Real Housewives of New York City cast member called her friend's falsies "a little too much."

Though Ramona Singer and her friend Bershan Shaw see eye to eye on many things, there's one issue that they disagree on — and that's whether fluttering, false eyelashes are appropriate for daytime.
On the June 29 episode of The Real Housewives of New York City, Bershan recalled that her straight-shooting friend had once told her: "I love your lashes, but they're a little too long for the daytime." So when Ramona and Bershan appeared on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen on August 3, Andy reprised the lash-batting theme.
"Are Bershan's eyelashes too big, yes or no?" the talk-show host asked the audience in a poll. While the results rolled in, Andy took the temperature on Ramona's current stance. "Ramona, how do you feel about Bershan's eyelashes tonight?" the host asked.
"I like [your] lashes for night, but a lot of times you wear the same for day, and I think it's just a little too much for the day," Ramona told her friend. Bershan took the comment in stride. Laughing and looking fabulous in her canary-yellow dress, the RHONY pal flipped her hair back. "I'll still do it," she said.
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